September Hatch-A-Long

Actually, are they any out there that are accurate, not too big and not super expensive?
One of the best is the Genesis 1588 is the best that is not super expensive. You can look for those--at this time of the year people will be upgrading to bigger incubators
One of the best is the Genesis 1588 is the best that is not super expensive. You can look for those--at this time of the year people will be upgrading to bigger incubators

The "new" price on that is more than I'd like to spend since this is something I may or may not try to repeat, but if I can find one at a decent "used" price it might work better than what I have.

There are 2 of those antique incubators on CL -- different models, but at $200 & $400 are not for me. Cool looking though.
The "new" price on that is more than I'd like to spend since this is something I may or may not try to repeat, but if I can find one at a decent "used" price it might work better than what I have.

There are 2 of those antique incubators on CL -- different models, but at $200 & $400 are not for me. Cool looking though.
Yes, keep looking on craig's list. Check out the buy sell trade forums on here too. Maybe start a thread there to see if anyone has one they will sell to you for a good price

You could also build one yourself.

Hatching is addicting though so you might find yourself suggesting a Genesis for Christmas.
Yes, keep looking on craig's list. Check out the buy sell trade forums on here too. Maybe start a thread there to see if anyone has one they will sell to you for a good price

You could also build one yourself.

Hatching is addicting though so you might find yourself suggesting a Genesis for Christmas.

I tried candling a couple of hours ago, but I did have some light from the living room. Got that Farm Innovators egg candler -- basically a flashlight. I tried candling from the top down, bottom up and even from the side and I can't tell much of anything. I also tried putting the light inside nested jars in a black coffee can with hole cut in the lid and that was even worse.

It did appear that a couple might be clear, several with a small dark spot, and a couple that look like maybe the yolk settled to one end, but is moveable??

I think I will try this again in a while and go in a closet.

As for incubating eggs, I would really prefer that one of my girls will get broody. There's still time, but might have better luck next spring. Things should look up for them next week when the 2 extra roo's won't be chasing them out of the coop.
I tried candling a couple of hours ago, but I did have some light from the living room. Got that Farm Innovators egg candler -- basically a flashlight. I tried candling from the top down, bottom up and even from the side and I can't tell much of anything. I also tried putting the light inside nested jars in a black coffee can with hole cut in the lid and that was even worse.
It did appear that a couple might be clear, several with a small dark spot, and a couple that look like maybe the yolk settled to one end, but is moveable??

I think I will try this again in a while and go in a closet.

As for incubating eggs, I would really prefer that one of my girls will get broody. There's still time, but might have better luck next spring. Things should look up for them next week when the 2 extra roo's won't be chasing them out of the coop.

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