Septic arthritis

jenna elizabeth

6 Years
Aug 24, 2015
So I took my duck to the vet for her swollen leg… I thought it was broken but she’s got septic arthritis😞 he said he could do a surgery but that it’s not 100% and basically hinted to putting her down 😞 I’m really upset about this because I’ve bonded so much with my girl. Anyone else experience septic arthritis? Opinions please on what I should do!!
I'm very sorry to hear about your duck. I know how hard this is. What kinds of testing did your vet do?

Personally I let my pets go when they are in a lot of pain, are not eating, and their vets have no more options to help them get well again. You'll have to decide what is right for you and your duck. 💖🦆

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