Septic Tank Laterals Draining Into Pasture


6 Years
Apr 22, 2015
We have our chickens in our huge fenced in pasture and they LOVE it, but one problem-well not sure if it's a problem I guess so that's why I'm posting this question;) So our laterals drain into the middle of the pasture and there's a spot there that is wet, we had cows in there all the time up until two years ago and they always stood in that area when it was hot out. Will that drainage hurt the chickens? I would *hope* that the water is safe there, after all that's how the septic system is SUPPOSED to work right? Lol! Anyway, any thoughts are appreciated :)
If your septic system is working as it should, there should be no problem. Chickens walk through their own waste all the time and live.
Some times the washer drain is seperate from your septic system. You may think that your looking at the septic tank out fall. Sit quitely and watch the area closely on wash day for new moisture or water.

I'm with Den in Penn, the very best natural food for momma hens and little chickens is a smoking fresh pile of cow manuer. Many's the time that I've seen a hen wade feather deep into fresh cow dung and search out the choice tidbits for her chicks.
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LOL about the fresh pile of cow dung ;P

Thanks for your responses! I won't worry too much about it :)

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