Serama chciks, 3 weeks old breathing hard


In the Brooder
10 Years
I initially purchased 4 chicks 3 weeks ago. One died within 24 hours and will be replaced by breeder with an older chick at a later time, the 3 remaining chciks were doing well, one was a little smaller than the other two and the tails feathers were not coming in, loose stool. Yesterday, it's wings started to droop, lack of appetite, and today listless, and finally death. Could this be coccidiosis? I think the other 2 are breathing a little harder than normal. Would it hurt to put a sulfmethazine antiobiotic in their drinking water for a week as a "just in case" scenario. I don't want to lose any more!! They were on vitmain water and medicated starter feed, but then I read that vitamin water could inhibit the medicine in the feed from helping to build immunity to cocci, so I took them off the vit water today. Please give advice.


no, the temp of my brooder for the 3 week old chicks have been between 80 - 85, depending on where they choose to hang out.
The cooler end near the water is around 70 degrees. The remaining two look fine. I talked to the breeder today and he also thinks I should put Sulmet into the water for cocci, just in case. He will replace my two that have died, but i asked him to wait until they are at least 1 month old. Serama chicks are alot more fragile than any other chick I have ever raised, and there has been many...

Thanks for the help


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