Serama Hatch-A-Long!!

I hope they recover! If it wasn't too long I'm sure they'll be fine. My broody accidentally missed sitting on one of her eggs and it sat out long enough to get cold to the touch.. I put it back under her, but I won't be surprised if she has one egg that looked like it started and quit suddenly on day 7. She is trying her best and has done well otherwise, though!
My temp only got down to 86 so the eggs were warmer than that still. I am sure they'll be fine... I have heard of a broody being off the nest overnight and still having a good hatch!
The woman who sent the Silkie eggs also thought it was the time of year, apparently this is only the second time that her eggs did not develop at all. She is going to send more after the holidays.

I know how that holiday craze is for the post office. My online business used to be insanely busy through December right up till the deadlines... it was intense. My last week was a bit like that, but I don't know how I did it those last few years. I didn't do anything but work. I finished last night and today I have a ton of things I want to do but I'm too tired...
Candling complete! Updated my spreadsheet with photos of the developing eggs. I left the clears in after a sniff test to keep temps stable, and my poor hen is patiently waiting on more clears after I took her lone developing egg to go in to the seemingly safer incubator. Altogether 6 developing, 11 clears, 1 blood ring!

So that's 1/3rd of eggs set actually developing. Fingers crossed they all magically make it to lockdown! If I get one chick again I'm going to explode lmao
Candling complete! Updated my spreadsheet with photos of the developing eggs. I left the clears in after a sniff test to keep temps stable, and my poor hen is patiently waiting on more clears after I took her lone developing egg to go in to the seemingly safer incubator. Altogether 6 developing, 11 clears, 1 blood ring!

So that's 1/3rd of eggs set actually developing. Fingers crossed they all magically make it to lockdown! If I get one chick again I'm going to explode lmao
I hope they all hatch for you! That is a lot of clears... glad you have some developing! I am cheering for them!!
I just found this thread and got very excited. I recently got my first incubator and I've got 12 serama eggs and some cochin/silkie eggs going into it tomorrow morning. I went to a poultry show in Oklahoma a couple weeks ago and since then I have been in love with seramas! I've very nervous/excited for my first hatch. All I've done the last week is research
I will probably have a lot of questions. Does anyone have any tips? I'm used a circulated air bator w/ an egg turner. I have read many of the articles on here including the one on dry incubation. I am from Arkansas and even though its winter here we still have a higher humidity. The bator has been around 38-43% the last 24 hours. Is that good? Humidity is my biggest worry. Should seramas need a lower humidity due to their small size?
I just found this thread and got very excited. I recently got my first incubator and I've got 12 serama eggs and some cochin/silkie eggs going into it tomorrow morning. I went to a poultry show in Oklahoma a couple weeks ago and since then I have been in love with seramas! I've very nervous/excited for my first hatch. All I've done the last week is research
I will probably have a lot of questions. Does anyone have any tips? I'm used a circulated air bator w/ an egg turner. I have read many of the articles on here including the one on dry incubation. I am from Arkansas and even though its winter here we still have a higher humidity. The bator has been around 38-43% the last 24 hours. Is that good? Humidity is my biggest worry. Should seramas need a lower humidity due to their small size?


Very exciting!! First question... did you get your eggs locally or were they shipped? Your humidity sounds good, I generally try to keep mine around 35% except for really small or porous eggs I aim for 40%. It is weird though because higher humidity seems to work for everyone else, I have decided that somehow NW humidity must be super saturated!?
I got them locally! I don't know a whole lot about humidity. Right now it's saying its at 32%. Should the vent plugs be open or closed?

Local is awesome, that gives them a big head start Humidity sound good, the eggs themselves will add humidity. About the temp... when you put your eggs in the temp will go down and then slowly come back up. For forced air you want temp 99 to 100 degrees. You want to have it pretty stable at that temp before you put eggs in. You should have at least one plug open for air..

Are you planning to put the Seramas in the eggs turner? I have not tried it... I don't have one so I can't experiment, but I have only heard Seramas are better hand turned but then you would have to hand turn all of them. If you put them in the turner, they would probably be fine.

I put 5 of my Serama's eggs in yesterday so we can truly hatch-a long!

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