Serama Hatch-A-Long!!

Thank you, mommaduck2014. I feel so blessed that my first go 'round with these little guys went as smoothly as it did! 50% hatch rate. Not bad for a first timer, I'd say...
I'm aiming for at least 80% on my next !!!

Well my hatch isnt going so well. I believe I'm down to 1 survivor she went into lockdown this morning. So I'm crossing my fingers and praying hard she hatches ok on Sunday.
I'm so sorry to hear about the viability of your current hatch, mommaduck2014. Glad you got at least one in lockdown. I've been so wrapped
up in my own hatch that now that it's over I'll send you all of my good thoughts and wishes so that hopefully that little one of yours will have a happy and
healthy hatch on Sunday!

Thank you Kim. When I candled last night before I went to bed she was wiggling like crazy in her egg. So I think she will be my survivor hatchling.
Hi Everyone!
I candled my eggs for the first time the other night on Day 7. I am SO pleased to report that all of my serama eggs (except maybe 1) appear to be developing well! Not having such great luck with the silkies but that's okay. I tossed 6 of the silkie eggs that weren't developing and one had a blood ring. Interestingly 4 of the silkie eggs that didn't develop were all right next to each other in the last row in the left corner in a line. I always do little egg-topsys just to be sure and because I'm nosy. I never toss an egg though unless I am 100% sure it isn't developing. If I'm unsure I always leave it and hope for the best. I still have 26 eggs left! I've never hatched such a large amount before so I'm pretty excited! I took some pictures with my phone that didn't turn out great but here they are:

Day 7 Serama egg

Day 7 Silkie egg

Silkie egg with a blood ring
Hatching should start tomorrow for my lone serama egg. I'm crossing fingers and toes and praying for a miracle for her. My anxiety is huge lol, the waiting is killing me!!
Hatching should start tomorrow for my lone serama egg. I'm crossing fingers and toes and praying for a miracle for her. My anxiety is huge lol, the waiting is killing me!!
Hoping for the best! Remember... deep breathing ; )

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