Serama show! Ends 7/17/09!


What a good baby! You need to start a thread of funny chick pics. Such as people toasting with a chick in each glass = cheep shot
A row of chicks witha straw and razor blade = heroin chic
I don't know how you would humanely attatch one to a fridge, but then you'd have a chick magnet!
Name(If any): Peanut

Color Variety(if known): Whatchamacallit

Age: He will be 8 months at the end of the month

Status: Single and looking

What makes your bird special: He was a lone chick that hatched under a hen who then turned on him at 3 weeks old. He had become very attatched to me and started going everywhere. His favorite road trip was to the store to get a plain cake donut. He sat very patiently on the passengers seat waiting for his treat.


Name (if any): Whitey

Color variety: Blonde

Age: 15 months

Status: He is part of a group of 7 seramas, He shares 5 girls with another rooster

What makes him special: He is my diamond in the rough. His pose was lacking until he reached 1 yr old. He was always a spazz and hated to be handled, now he tolerates it. He is the most excellent father. I am adding a pic of him with his family but this pic below is the one I am entering for the contest

Chick Category

These are still getting feathers, but they have that Serama attitude for sure.
These are my first Seramas.

Entry Form
Name(If any): Not yet.
Color Variety(if known): Black Mottled
Age: About 9 weeks, single
What makes your bird special: He thinks he's a lot bigger than what he really is.



Entry Form
Name(If any): Not yet.
Color Variety(if known): Black Mottled
Age: About 9 weeks, single
What makes your bird special: She's a sweet girl. She chirps when you talk to her.



Chick catergory

Name(If any): Spice
Color Variety(if known): Not sure
Age: 3 months
What makes your bird special: She is really beautiful, Nice unique pattern, I just love her!

Name(If any): Sugar
Color Variety(if known): Not sure
Age: 3 months
What makes your bird special: She is also very beautiful to me, her and her sister spice are the brooder bullies

Name(If any): Peachy
Color Variety(if known): Peaches n cream?
Age: 3 months
What makes your bird special: SHe was raised by a broody, a lone chick that has since been integrated with the other girls, she is a bit more fleighty then the others but i'm working my magic on her.

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