Seramas & Geese Eggs On Lockdown!


Angel Egg
16 Years
Dec 26, 2007
Hello everyone! :frow

I have 4 geese eggs in one incubator and 3 Seramas eggs in another incubator, the 4 geese eggs I saved, a family member brought them to me after a pair of geese at their home lake their nest was attacked and 4 made it out so of course i started the incubator up and put them in. The beginning when I candled the 4 eggs there was nothing just yolk so I waited about a week I counted 6 days afterwards and candled them again to find that all 4 geese eggs are fertile, couple days later I ordered Seramas Eggs 6 but only 3 were fertile on candling day, so today is hatch day for the Seramas! :woot and so far I have one egg that has Pipped and another egg is wiggling like crazy lol... and the geese eggs are on day 27 lockdown was on day 25 for them as day 18 was the Seramas eggs. I do have pictures! Can someone explain to me how to post them on here? It's been a long time since I've been back to BYC I have a lot of catching up to do! 😊
How exciting!! Can’t wait to see and best of luck with the hatch!! To post pictures, find the square icon with the mountains in it. From there you can attach a file/picture :)


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