Seramas- Good Broodies?


Coturnix Obsessed
11 Years
Jul 18, 2008
Indiana, Pennsylvania
I swear I read this before about seramas but I wanted to make sure. I have a few serama eggs in my inc due to hatch soon and if any turn out to be hens i'd love it if I could have some broodies out of them to naturally hatch coturnix quail eggs for me any info you can share?
My serama hens are great! The only problem is their small body size. My serama hens could handle 5 eggs if they are sitting alone and 24 eggs between the three of them.
They make fabulous broodies! If you are going to hatch quail eggs with them then you could not have picked a better momma
They are very good mothers!
Serama do not do well with quail I've tried, the hen have a tendency to step on them and they can't handle it as for broodies my go broody at the drop of a hat,
always when i want eggs
on the eggs or the chicks? if they step on teh chicks that's no matter i'll take the eggs from them before they're due then and hatch them out in the inc to keep them safe
however if you're sayiing they crush eggs that just sucks! LOL!

thanks everyone for the replies!
Wow I have heard they are good broodys. And now more people are saying it. But mine look like an egg as an alien object and needs to be taken out of "their space" go figure
I have two broody seramas right now. Actually, about 4 - because they take turns setting the nests - and I have seen two of my hens setting the same nest at the same time - sharing the love!!!! Its so cute. They are about as broody as my silkies, actually. They do a great job!!!

ETA: Regarding the PP that said their serama could only set about 5 eggs - NOT MINE! LOL Last count I saw nine eggs under one of my hens, but like I said, they share at times too.
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They do great with the eggs, and you can put quite a few under them just not chicks, if you time it right 2 batches,

I've got 2 sharing right know,they aways brood at the same time they share chicks too.
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