Seriously... Squirrels?

If your out in the country you can have kids or hunters take them out for you.

Or you can put out rat snap traps with peanut butter on them. Place the traps where the squirrels are coming into the hen house.
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Find out their path in to your coop and set snap traps. Make sure that you set them in a way that your birds can't get to them (saw that CMV suggested putting them under milk crates) that sounds like a great idea to me. I have used snap traps in the past and they are quick and pretty clean.
I never thought that squirrels would get my eggs. I guess I shouldn't get on to my cat for eating them anymore. My cats don't mess with my chickens but they keep squirrels out of the yard.
We had a huge problem with them they would steal my chicken and turkey eggs. I would find broken shells all over behind my coops. Finally after days of no eggs because they were eating them all. Hubby took to shooting them with a pellet gun. We no longer have issues with them stealing eggs. Its like they sent out. Email to avoid us.
Thanks for all the replies. I am going to try the rat traps under the milk crates. I was afraid my chickens might get caught in them so that is why I haven't trued that yet. Squirrels are currently the biggest problem I have so it could be much worse. And yes I do live in the city. My oldest has taken to shooting them with a pellet gun, maybe we need stronger pellets to let them know we really mean business.

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