Set eggs 5/18 - whose with me?

Update as of this morning (day 20) I have one who pipped and is working - very slowly - on zipping and another egg with a small crack. I have the eggs in cartons to hatch. Not sure I like this method as I can't tell what eggs are moving and shaking! I am worried that my little guy isn't zipping fast enough - no real progress in the last hour or so but as I woke up and found him this way I'm not sure how long he has been working at it. Hopefully he is just resting! It might look sticky inside the egg - not real sure the chick is dark colored but is the Black Copper Maran breed - and my humidity is at 52%.

Lookie what was under my Broody Welsummer this afternoon, one day ahead of schedule. One half Welsummer and one half Faverolles.

Started with 15 eggs. Two broke and I removed another few clear ones when I candled them at 10 days. I think she is still sitting on 6 so we'll see if any of the others hatch. What cuties!
Very cute! Congrats!!!
Thanks! Its our first broody so we'll see how it goes. I put a little scratch in with her and she started the high pip-pip sounds like the rooster makes to tell the girls he found a treat and the little chicks came out from under her to see what we put down. Super cute
How cute are they? That is just precious. I haven't seen any progress on mine as of yet. I am not feeling very certain about 11 of my BO's. So I guess I am in a really wait and see situation. They are supposed to make an appearnace Saturday. Good luck everyone.
I was sure mine would be early but tomorrow is day 20 for them. I hope to see some hatch tomorrow. My whole office always end up watching my hatches.

I am with you too. uncertain about my 7 Lavender Orps .Didnt look very good to me candled at day18 but I am new, first hatch and i am hoping still movement yet and its day 20 . You wil hear me screaming my head off way over there on BYC ...if i see some pipping tomorrow or even movement...even just one ...please PLEASE??.
I am with you too. uncertain about my 7 Lavender Orps .Didnt look very good to me candled at day18 but I am new, first hatch and i am hoping still movement yet and its day 20 . You wil hear me screaming my head off way over there on BYC ...if i see some pipping tomorrow or even movement...even just one ...please PLEASE??.

well I would cry to if me lav orp didn't hatch to! I will cry 4 u.
Not all of of mine hatched yet. I have 16 egg to still hatch and added 1 of mine bantam eggs that had to go down on lock down last night so then it would be 17 more to hatch. But ones that were due are 5 frizzles and 9 black stars are already hatched, and 4 buff orps are hatched and 1 frizzle egg. So I just have to wait some were right on hatch date some were early and now some are late lol. I hate waiting. Well mail man dropped off my 3 dozen egg can in the mail last night and Post Office just called and said my other eggs are in. I went and candled my other 2 incubators to see how my other eggs were doing last night and Tolbunts are doing great so are all of my own bantam hens eggs and so are the eggs I got off of BYC's from a wonder guy named WinkleFarms! They are all growing and even the 2 BR'S he gave me!!!!!!! So sossososo Happy!
I am with you too. uncertain about my 7 Lavender Orps .Didnt look very good to me candled at day18 but I am new, first hatch and i am hoping still movement yet and its day 20 . You wil hear me screaming my head off way over there on BYC ...if i see some pipping tomorrow or even movement...even just one ...please PLEASE??.

You can get a plane ticket and come get some from lol or you can get some of my eggs from my hen she lays. Do you have any hens that lay right now? My bantam hen that is partridge rock and rooster is partridge rooster bantam. He is very pretty I love all the diff colors he has all over him. All the time when I was a kid I always wanted a rooster that color and now I do just a smaller version of one lol. I only paid $6.00 to for the pair from the Amish people I met.
Ok Yesterday was day 21 and when I came home from work I have 9 baby chicks. Not bad for shipped eggs I had 15 make it to lockdown. Still waiting on about 4 but not too hopeful about them. I happy with 9.....2 buff orpingtons, 4 Lavender Orpingtons and 3 Barnveldere's. I'll post some pics tonight.

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