set eggs fat side down! help! **repost**

Finally I got the pic up. So that's the air sac size I put the pencil in as kind of a reference point size wise
Finally I got the pic up. So that's the air sac size I put the pencil in as kind of a reference point size wise
It's easier to tell from a side view, but I definitely don't think a couple days dry would hurt them, they look a bit small, but I don't think they are as bad as you think. Like I said, easier to tell from the side
That's the side view with a AA battery next to it for size comparison.
They actually don't look that bad to me for day 14. Between 14-18 is usually when you see the biggest increase. I wouldn't be too worried with those. Now if you were going into lockdown and they were only that big, I'd be worried, but I think they are pretty close to where they should be for day 14. My opinion.
Okay it's been at least 12 hours since first pip, I have two or three pips so far. They are all on the wrong end. I took the first one out to see if I needed to assist and I heard lots of chirping so I just put it back in the bator. If no zipping by tonight I'll assist further if need be.
Okay it's been at least 12 hours since first pip, I have two or three pips so far. They are all on the wrong end. I took the first one out to see if I needed to assist and I heard lots of chirping so I just put it back in the bator. If no zipping by tonight I'll assist further if need be.
That's to be expected with them being upside down for that long. I hope they all make it out alright for you!! Good luck, especially if you have to assist!

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