Set eggs today, 2/6/10. Who's with me?

After several trips to the bator through the night, we now have 34 that have hatched and two more have pipped. That only leaves 2 eggs that have nothing happening.

We started with 41 and tossed 3 clears on day 10. I'm THRILLED with this Hovabator 1588.
I am on day 21, 1 zipping, 4 pipping, and I don't know about the rest of them. They are wiggling, oh my this is way to exciting!!! This is my first hatch, I will post pictures later, as they progress!! 14 eggs total in bator, Cuckoo and Copper Maran chicks. Lets see who makes it!! Also have a broody Cuckoo Maran in the coop sitting on eggs due to hatch any day also!!
Pooh... still only the one chick (all dried out and fluffy and sadly peeping at the discovery that it's the only chicken that exists in the whole world), although one other egg is vigorously peeping and rocking but has not pipped yet.

I risked a quick candle of some of the other eggs and some seem definitely dead, others I just dunno (they look ok although I did not see any clear movement and they have not pipped the air cell yet).

Please, please let me at least get a second chick from this hatch so I don't have to deal with a singleton
I can do another setting for the neighbors, I just want my first chick to have a friend

Glad to hear others' hatches are going well,

Success ! So far we have 5 RIR baby chicks. We have one more in the hatching bator. We are going to be moving 5 more RIR eggs from the bator with the turner to our hatching bator tonight soooo....hopefully those guys will be popping out soon! We had a hard time getting our hatching bator's heat and humidity to stabilize. We had a couple high spikes and were afraid it may have done them harm. Here is what pictures we have so far. Ain't it great

I have had chix hatch on day 24, so I wait that long. If at that time there are no peeps, pips or movement, I shut it down. I am very new to hatching so I always re-candle unhatched eggs, compare results to the day 10 and day 18 notes, then do an 'egg-topsy' to see if I can figure out what went wrong - UNLESS I think the egg is rotten, in which case I remove in a ziplock baggie lined w/a paper towel an discard!
Our remaining two eggs show no action at all. I think we may be finished. Current count is 35 hatched, one zipped and quit, one died after hatching. That leaves 34 fuzzy little peepers to live in the basement for a few weeks. Along with 8 goslings that should arrive next week.

Planning on starting another hatch next Sunday. This is more addictive than crack.

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