Set the trap tonight!!!!

I really hope that you catch that sneaky coon! Good luck!

P.S. Thanks for planning to relocate it instead of killing it.
Live traps are a 50 / 50 proposition, I've set mine up to catch a critter and one morning got to watch a coon spazz out and dislodge the locking mechanism moments after I looked thru the drapes, some traps need WD40 and slight adjusting with a hammer to work better....but all in all its better than being on nightwatch with a shotgun and a broken Mr Coffee maker.

Let us know if ya' get the varmint !

The trap was closed and set off. The only thing I can think, is that the raccoon is too big for the trap, that when the trap closes, its body is still out of the trap, and it gets out.

I will just keep trying.
Place your trap on the flattest place you can find. I noticed that mine would do the same as yours. So I put it on a piece of plywood and saw that the bottom was sticking up. It interfered with the closing of the trap door. Good luck.
OK, when you're setting one of these traps, Have a Hart. That bar thing that attaches to the trigger that's supposed to close the door. does that go inside the cage or outside the cage to hook under that metal plate in the back that I guess is where you put the food.

I wish they gave better instructions.

I have a nightly visitor as well. Eats the chick food.

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