Setting eggs 1-18-12. I need some buddies to keep me company.

Yes it is.

It is amazing! I love hatching! ... and Raising!
Ok, I just did something incredibly stupid!! We were candling eggs and the lid of the incubator slipped and cracked two of the eggs. I was just sick. Once we were finished candling we have movement and veins in all but one egg!! Then I remembered that the other day when I candled there were 3 that looked really clear. We looked at the two cracked eggs and nothing was growing in them so I guess it turned out to be all ok. Now I have a question.......some of the yolk/whites from the two cracked eggs is still in the bottom of the incubator, the floor is raised and I can't get to the bottom to clean it out. What will that do to the other eggs? Should I remove the eggs and quickly clean everything? If it is left there will it affect the rest of the eggs? Advice Please!
Ok, I just did something incredibly stupid!! We were candling eggs and the lid of the incubator slipped and cracked two of the eggs. I was just sick. Once we were finished candling we have movement and veins in all but one egg!! Then I remembered that the other day when I candled there were 3 that looked really clear. We looked at the two cracked eggs and nothing was growing in them so I guess it turned out to be all ok. Now I have a question.......some of the yolk/whites from the two cracked eggs is still in the bottom of the incubator, the floor is raised and I can't get to the bottom to clean it out. What will that do to the other eggs? Should I remove the eggs and quickly clean everything? If it is left there will it affect the rest of the eggs? Advice Please!
I'm new at this,so hopefully someone more experienced will help. I would quickly clean. It's my understanding that hens leave eggs for short period of times. So it's ok if we have a 15minute cool down.
This is actually my first time hatching eggs and it is with a incubator i put 27 eggs in and 3 were duds and 3 were ifys that i think are duds but left in and the other 21 eggs are goin strong I'm on day 9 and gina candle again this friday on day 12 can't wait tell they hatch
So I know its early but I candled a few today day 4 1/2. buff brahma looked like all the air cells were still slipping from shipping and ameraucana were to dark/thick shelled to see much. Every silkie I candled was developing though :) I even had an embryo right against the shell so I could clearly see its shape and itslil heart fluttering! It was by far 1 of the coolist thing ever!!!! I so hope the brahma and the ameraucana make it! At leased 1 of each would be nice.

My egg due to hatch this week under my broody hen has internally pipped early, expected hatch would be friday. I found the egg on the floor of the coop yesterday! Mom and another hen fought over the nest! The air cell is huge! but I can clearly see its beak in the air cell tonight when I candled it to make sure it was still alive. I dont have the space to move mom and egg right now that she wont freak out! so she has to stay in the coop. She is a top hen so I don't worry bout others so much except they keep stealing each others eggs when they get off the nest to streach and drink. I officially have 3 broody hens right now!!! Soooo much for eggs with breakfast for a while!!!!
I only let this hen and 1 other have eggs though.
I am worried though that the huge air cell my be a warning of trouble during hatching... And out in the coop I cannot help it in time
especially if it shrink wraps or sticks in the shell..... What do I do? My bator is going do I bring it inside? Then what? I'm dry hatching as I had detached air cells in quit a few of the shipped eggs and thought that would be best way. Do I bump up humidity for a bit and hope it doesn't mess up my eggs already in there? Do I just let nature happen????

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