Setting Eggs 1/19 - Hatching Buddies

That is so cool!! I just heard my first little peep from inside one of the eggs!
I use my iphone light to candle, works great! Even on very hard to see eggs like quails.

Congrats on the pip, any updates? What color silkies?

Today my 2nd batch is due. Woke up and found one already zipped and just popped out of the shell. I have got an early bird! Surprising cause my first batch was all 2 days past due.
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Me either this year out of 15 eggs two made it to lockdown and one died during hatching didn't even externally pip.. :( Last year out of almost 2 dozen duck eggs 9 made it to lock down four to hatching and three actually survived hatching. They are very strong healthy ducks though.. :)
Yep...the hazards of shipped eggs. I tried several times last year with horrible hatch rates. I got so frustrated with the post office, too. Not good for the blood pressure!

Let's hope we do better this time, right?
Yes fingers and toes crossed.. Mine aren't due till Saturday so unless I have early birdies it's going to be a long wait. :)

Of course the two week olds I have in my brooder are chirping away.. wonder if they'll chirp some encouragement.. :)
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Could be 48 hrs till zipping but normally once pipped it'll be within 24. According to online facts I forgot the link to lol. Yay for you. I got one early bird too and poor lil guy is all lonely in the brooder.
I know when my first duck pipped a day early it took him 24 hours to get out. His buddies pipped much faster.. I'm hoping since I did the egg crate they hatch faster since they won't be rolling all over the place.. :)

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