Setting Eggs 12/27 Anyone else?

Here are my first 2 babies enjoying their first meal. They are a frizzle and a sizzle.
I love baby pics..keep them coming everyone..mine are due to hatch tomorrow..keeping fingers crossed that I get at least one to hatch! I usually do much better with hatches, but these eggs came damp. :( I didn't even put them all in..did a few, and I know I had a couple alive when I put them into lock down. I will be happy with two. :)
Mine are doing great! I will post a pic when I get home from work.
Started hatching last night and this morning I had 6 Buff Silkies, 5 Buff Orpingtons and 1 Cuckoo Maran that were all out of the eggs!!! Yippee!!

There were still others piping and of course we still have the 6 duck eggs that will hopefully hatch in a few days... Can't wait to get home and see them!!!
CONGRATS everyone!!
I have been really busy the past couple days but have a HUGE update...

I have a bator full of peeps!!!
2 hatched on tuesday and when I can home yesterday there were 16 total then I think there were a few more hatch out lastnight. I will be taking them out this evening when I get home from work and will do a final count!! I am sooooo excited..
.finally this bator and I come to an understanding!!!! I do believe there are 3 possibly 4 left to hatch but not tooo sure, kinda hard to see past all the little fuzzy butts!!!

I will also post pics tonight. These are pure barred rock and some black sex-link now the guessing will begin! I do believe the blk sex-link pullets will not have any white on their heads.. the roos will more than likely look just like the BR?

I hope everyone has a GREAT day!!!
My chicks had a hatch party last night while we slept! When we went to bed I had 10 chicks and when we woke up there were 20!!! and 3 more this morning. Only 2 eggs left.
Ksp, those are soooo cute!!! Congratulations on all your new little fuzzies! I love silkie babies, they are the cutest things,and they stay cute when all the other breeds go through that ugly stage when they are half fluff and half feathers ( like my xmas chicks are doing now).

Ajcress, I am so glad you have your 'bator all figured out!!
Congratualtions on the great hatch!! I can't wait to see the pictures.

I am looking at the calander and trying to decide when i want to start hatching Ameraucanas....How long till chicks could go outside? How many chicks would be in the house for how long, large foul outgrow the space faster than bantams? Hmmm, how soon can I put more eggs in without my husband killing me?!
Here's what has hatched:

The one on the right near the waterer needed to be assisted out. It's not doing well.

I have 14 more eggs in the incubator. 7 from the above group's setting (today is day 20, day 21 starts at 10pm) and 7 from the 2nd setting. I hope I get at least 20 chicks total from these eggs. 20 out of 36 isn't to much to ask - I don't think so, anyways.
We have one out today, pipped yesterday. The others have no pips. Copper Marans so candling wasn't useful.

We had issues with the first bator we used, had to swap out after it kept losing power. We're hoping the other 11 eggs hatch but so far no activity.

edit oops: 2nd egg pipping now...
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well all is well here! Congrats to all the new arrivals! My final count will be 23 out of 28 that went into lock-down. 3 of the ones left, I think may have been killed by the others pecking too soon on the shell. But everyone is healthy and running around! I really need to get a bigger area but I hope the 2 tubs I have will do until, well I really cannot say tomorrow since it is
20 til 2... I better get to bed...

I attempted to take pictures but they didn't turn out at all so I will use my husbands and let some later this evening. 13 have a spot on their heads. some of them just 1 spot and some the white is on their checks and around the bottom of their neck in the back... those are more "black" than the rest.. 9 all black no white on the head at all.. so I think it is safe to assume those are the hybrid pullets and 1 who appears to be .. blue? .... no spot on the head.... greenish black legs and feet...ear muffs.... hum did i mention the only eggs that hatched were brown? must have been an ee layin brown. very cute though. I will be sure to get pics after work so i can get opinions in the spotted heads! Well 4:30 comes early and not too sure how much snow we have gotten but I do know in the time it took me to shovel off the porch and go to the coop and check on the horses the porch had accumulated another 3-4 inches! night all!!

ps nice pics!!
Ksp, those are soooo cute!!! Congratulations on all your new little fuzzies! I love silkie babies, they are the cutest things,and they stay cute when all the other breeds go through that ugly stage when they are half fluff and half feathers ( like my xmas chicks are doing now).

Ajcress, I am so glad you have your 'bator all figured out!!
Congratualtions on the great hatch!! I can't wait to see the pictures.

I am looking at the calander and trying to decide when i want to start hatching Ameraucanas....How long till chicks could go outside? How many chicks would be in the house for how long, large foul outgrow the space faster than bantams? Hmmm, how soon can I put more eggs in without my husband killing me?!

thank you! So am I! I have a hutch outside that is completely enclosed I will probably put mine in in about a month unless they feather out sooner. will still have much needed heat light and no draft but I have always used it and had no trouble! Good luck. I have 12 bbs ameracauna eggs in the bator now on day 5...

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