Setting eggs 6/11 and 7/4 - Join me!

Yay yay yay! Both of the later batches of eggs are looking awesome! I only had a few quitters, and currently have 25 little shrimps in the incubator. :)
YAY! That is good news! Keeping the positive thoughts going for everyones babies. :D

Thanks everyone for the compliments on my little ones. I will get new pictures in the next couple days. They are already getting wing feathers so colors are already changing...crazy how fast they grow.
Finally took a couple Pictures... Swedish Flower Hens and Blue Laced Red Wyandottes :) They are much cuter in real life

oh my gosh they are adorable! I love the little black spattered ones :)

Great job on hatching everyone! I am sorry I was away! I took a trip to Chicago to visit a friend and didn't have much internet. Came home and the incubator seems to have gotten along just fine in my absence. I candled the peafowl eggs again and watched them all dancing happily. I even have two turkey eggs that started while I was gone! After so many that never even started, I was beginning to wonder! I still have two weeks on the earliest of the peafowl eggs, so keep the updates rolling in!!
Yay yay yay! Both of the later batches of eggs are looking awesome! I only had a few quitters, and currently have 25 little shrimps in the incubator. :)

Great news! Don't give up on eggs if the temp goes down some- there are natural cooling cycles when hens incubate too. I had a night that I left the windows open and the temp in the room dropped 30 degrees, which dropped the incubator to around 80 degrees... all night. But, everyone was kicking around when I closed up and candled them, no harm done :) it's the HIGH temps that really kill off the little guys in incubation.
Great news! Don't give up on eggs if the temp goes down some- there are natural cooling cycles when hens incubate too. I had a night that I left the windows open and the temp in the room dropped 30 degrees, which dropped the incubator to around 80 degrees... all night. But, everyone was kicking around when I closed up and candled them, no harm done :) it's the HIGH temps that really kill off the little guys in incubation.

Good to know! I just set 24 eggs in my homemade cooler incubator and Its hovering around 95-100... I hope i get at least half to make it
We've had 3 more quit, but still have 22 looking good. The only issue I'm having are funky air cells. Some in the last bunch had the same issue. Most eggs have a normal air cell, but some have an air cell that is spreading down the side of the egg. I didn't see any detached air cells when I set the eggs, but they look like half of a saddle-shaped air cell. I've had eggs with the saddle-shaped cells hatch before, but the one-sided air cell is new to me. The air cells seems huge compared to the other eggs that appear to be on track as far as humidity/air cell growth goes. The humidity has been around 40% with me adding water every day. (It is dry here, we use A/C, and the bator has a fan.)
Congrats to everyone with hatches so far! My seven are growing and running and being spoiled babies, as they should be. I am in love with these little Serama babes. Might have to hatch some more out soon >.>
We're on days 13 and 14 for this batch, and the 22 eggs I candled the other night look good. Tonight I marked the aircells to see where we are as far as development and to show which are funky from shipping. Luckily most look good. Knock on wood, but hopefully the third try is a charm. My first hatch I only got three, last hatch none, but it looks like these eggs held up better when shipped. Most are mutts, too. Go figure. :) I can't wait to play a guessing game of what they are when they hatch!
Yay! And I just put the first of the peafowl eggs on lockdown. I'll be having "lockdown" mode for the next like... 2 weeks I think. I hope SOMETHING hatches after all this trouble! Too bad my parents keep turning the AC on and off, and the temp inside the incubator gets thrown off... not exactly hopeful. I wish I could convince them that NOT switching the house between freezing and sweltering is a good thing... Cannot WAIT to move to my own house... hopefully in about 2 weeks!

You know, the reason I wasn't going to set any eggs is because I was hoping to find a house and move, and I didnt want to mess around with having peachicks or turkey poults when that happened. But I was having such rotten luck with house hunting, I set these eggs... and my luck is exactly that I found the perfect place right as they are about to hatch!

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