Setting eggs 6-18 anyone with me

Beckymca, congrats on new babies! I'd love to see what Dorking chicks look like ...!!

LukeandAli, 4 is a good number! Don't give up until after day 23. What's that saying, something about a watched pot never boils?!

puglady, your picture is so clear. Congrats on newbie FBCM! Hope more hatch soon. Your little one is twice as big as my banty babies! Were you able to see anything when you candled?

Kimbroe, sometimes the yolk is not exactly where it should be. Might be on the side or where the lump is on your chick. Or could be just a bony hip. I hope the lump goes down soon. I wouldn't mess with it, just let chick sleep. Sleep is the best thing for chicks. That's when they grow and heal. It's cool to watch chicks like you have them, but moving around might be disturbing the chick. Also,sometimes a little pine shavings under a chick help give it more traction, make it easier for the chick to use their feet to grab and walk. I line the bottom of my brooder with puppy pee pads. They don't leak, help absorb liquids and are so easy to just lift up and throw away. I put pine shavings on top of them. I read somewhere here that you shouldn't use cedar shavings. The chicks think the varying colors in cedar are food so they'll actually eat them then end up constipated or something! Anyway, hoping for the best for your chickies!
Beckymca, congrats on new babies! I'd love to see what Dorking chicks look like ...!!

LukeandAli, 4 is a good number! Don't give up until after day 23. What's that saying, something about a watched pot never boils?!

puglady, your picture is so clear. Congrats on newbie FBCM! Hope more hatch soon. Your little one is twice as big as my banty babies! Were you able to see anything when you candled?

Kimbroe, sometimes the yolk is not exactly where it should be. Might be on the side or where the lump is on your chick. Or could be just a bony hip. I hope the lump goes down soon. I wouldn't mess with it, just let chick sleep. Sleep is the best thing for chicks. That's when they grow and heal. It's cool to watch chicks like you have them, but moving around might be disturbing the chick. Also,sometimes a little pine shavings under a chick help give it more traction, make it easier for the chick to use their feet to grab and walk. I line the bottom of my brooder with puppy pee pads. They don't leak, help absorb liquids and are so easy to just lift up and throw away. I put pine shavings on top of them. I read somewhere here that you shouldn't use cedar shavings. The chicks think the varying colors in cedar are food so they'll actually eat them then end up constipated or something! Anyway, hoping for the best for your chickies!
oh, thank you. i put paper towels down, will add some shavings in the morn.
Still only one hatched, 3 more eggs with pips. I actually didn't candle the dark eggs as I couldn't see through them! I should have some lav opringtons hatching soon as well but only candled them once at 11 days and eliminated two lav eggs that hadn't started. Its a total suprise how many I'll get. I'm hoping for a large bunch though!
Still only one hatched, 3 more eggs with pips. I actually didn't candle the dark eggs as I couldn't see through them! I should have some lav opringtons hatching soon as well but only candled them once at 11 days and eliminated two lav eggs that hadn't started. Its a total suprise how many I'll get. I'm hoping for a large bunch though!

Can't wait to see pictures! Come on little chickies!
Good morning all!!! What a rough day yesterday was. I'm not sure I've ever been so sick, ever.... And on my birthday, what a rip off, lol....

But I am feeling about 90% better this morning, yea!!!

I'm so happy for all of you that have chicks and I know the heart break of those that have no chicks or those that lost chick or even worst yet, those that were faced with the hard choice of culling so early.

So I'm SUPER excited to say I got at least 5 Dorking chicks, yippee!!! I helped #6 hatch this morning, I'm going to give him/her a few hours to dry before I count him/her in on the hatch! Sadly I had to cull one of the Light Brahmas it had a deformed eye. I'm not going to keep poor, injured or deformed stock, it just doesn't make sense, it was sad but had to be done. I lost another LB, just never hatched right, was a side pip and struggled for hours upon hours to hatch. So I had 8 LBs hatch and 6 made it and 6 Dorkings hatch, 3 assisted and so far 5 are going strong, giving #6 a few more hours to perk up.

I'm not sure if you can tell the difference this early but the Dorkings have a brownish tone to them and they are clean legged, the LBs are more black and yellow and have feathered legs.

In this last picture the two on the far right are Dorkings!!!
Glad you are better! Cute pics, thanks for sharing, nothing here yet, still early though.When do the eggs usually start moving a bit? I am at 19 1/2 and 19 days right now.
Hard to say some move quiet a bit others not much at all. Then when your first one hatches it tends to move all over the place and shakes the eggs around too, so you may or may not see them rock a bit.

I also have 9 ordered LB eggs that went into lock down late Monday night. I've not seen anything from them yet, but I'm not in there all the time. I had one Dorking egg that rocked a ton before it hatched otherwise not a lot of rocking on this hatch that I saw anyways!

Hang in there!!!! You'll see some stuff soon, I'm sure, just remember that a pipped egg can take 24+/- hrs to hatch so try to be patient, lol.......

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