Setting eggs july 13 anyone else setting today, I need a buddy

My lil egg is a rockin!! Trchnically I set mine at 11am on the 13th soooooo thay would mean that at 11am, its start of day 21......right? I am soooooo excited, my favorite roo is the dad (black mottled frizzled cochin) and mom is a blue bantam cochin.
I got back yesterday and had two chicks in the incubator. I placed eggs on the 12th and 13th. One more hatched last evening and another overnight. Image is of the first two taken while moving to homemade brooder.


Waiting to see how many more. Since most the ones left were placed on the 13th they are still on schedule.

Pookie_Momma -- sorry to here about your difficulty
DixieChickie -- you are still on schedule too

Conrats to new hatches and first pips

Congratulations to everyone rocking, pipping and hatching!!

Pookie_Momma, wishing you luck.

I had set 7 Khaki Sumatra eggs (shipped) on the 13th. 24 hours later, two eggs were weeping (must have been old....
). Chucked those. 4 days later candled and had to throw out all but ONE EGG!
Just one little egg was viable. The others were either not fertile, scrambled during transit or it was warm during shipping because they weren't even blood rings...more like blood spots. Anyway, all our hopes were on this one little egg. Candled on Day 13, everything looked fine. I candled on Friday, Day 18 and the air cell was huge! At least 40% of the egg. Couldn't see any veins and no stomach sank.
But I put it into lockdown just never know. It didn't smell, but there also wasn't any sound (peeping or scratching) or any movement. Yesterday was Day 20 and I're not suppose to do a float test until Day 21 has come and gone, but I just needed to know if it was even alive any more. The float test showed "viable" (10-15% of the egg above the water) but something told me...nope.
So this morning, Day 21 with the egg as still as a rock, we opened it. Fully formed chick but head was still tucked, it hadn't even internally pipped.

These colored Sumatra's are so hard to come by. All we needed was one bird...either gender to add to our breeding program. I don't like the seller I got the eggs from (another BYCer has had similar experiences with 3 batches from the same seller = no chicks), plus they are clear across the country and at this time of the year, it's crazy to be shipping either eggs or chicks in this weather. So bummed... But there is still a chance for happy times. A lovely nearby BYCer gave me 3 of her wonderful Lavender Orp eggs to hatch
(at least a few days after) the one little Khaki chick was suppose to hatch so it wouldn't be lonely. They are doing well so far. So, by the end of the week, I'll be locking those honeys down. Hope to have some beautiful Lavs in a week!

Thanks for one else could understand how disappointing it is to lose them, esp. so close to hatching.
ReikiStar thank you, glad to know there is other Washingtonians here and understand the disappointment WE are facing...........

good luck on your Lavs........... I have 1 little baby and I think it is a roo
my frizzle just now let him start wandering around without her right their. so I am excited for him not to have adopted momma watching his every move.

Hopefully she will start laying, I have 8 ranging from 2 months and up. ( hence why I am trying to hatch
I've got 8 that made it into lockdown but one is questionable. Kind of hoped I'd get home from the backpacking trip to some pips and chicks but nothing yet. I suppose that's good cuz it would've been way early
I took them out of the cartons this morning and hopefully we'll have some little ones but Thursday... I hate these last few days!
Well congrats to everyone getting pips and peeps and wiggles and babies
I'll keep my fingers crossed for everyone who is still waiting

I have two that have hatched today and two more with pips. Last egg nothing so far.
I just got back from a poultry contest and had another chick zipping got to watch it hatch
So I now have 2 chicks 5 more pip's. I hope to get to watch another one.
We entered 6 chickens in the show and we got one that made Reserve Champion 4 that placed 1st and one placed 2nd. It has been a great day so far.Good luck everybody.

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