Setting eggs july 13 anyone else setting today, I need a buddy

Here's my lil one all fuzzed up....

How are they doing this morning? Any progress yet? My first chick took about 15 hours to hatch out. I would tap on the incubator and talk to it. Sometimes this motivates the baby's to wake up and get moving.

im glad i waited cause when i woke up i found the two have hatched
how long till the fluff up? and that taping on the window works! every time i do it they start to chrip and wiggle
Ok, I had a pip this morning! A day early but not surprising for bantys. My boyfriend said he looks like it's made progress since I left for work. I hope so cuz it pipped at the wrong end. It's a pretty round egg though, not too pointy so I'm hoping it'll be able to get around all right. I'll be monitoring and praying I don't have to help because I'm loathe to do that!
Yay I put my eggs in lockdown last night. wasn't too hopeful but I have one moving and I thought I heard some chirping. At least one is still alive so far. Have 5 other possibles.
Congrats on the chicks. I am all done I had 11 viable eggs and 9 hatched 1 quit about lockdown and the other was close to hatching then give up. Here is a couple pics thay are cute little buggers.
the last 2 that hatched had pipped and never got out for quite awhile so I helped them they are doing great.


I am all done as well. The last remaining EE did not pip and I think it quite right about lockdown as well. The little Maran chick that was the last to hatch is having trouble with curled toes and not standing. So I looked up how to help correct this and I had to make her chick shoes and a hobble. She is drinking water and rolls around making all kinds of noise, she has even pooped, so she seems strong enough, just can't stand up yet. I am hoping she will get stronger today
Time will tell. The first 3 are doing great and almost running. I hope everyone else has healthy strong peeps.
yay I got my first chick. He/she hatched sometime between 8:30 am and 11:30 am. I went home for lunch and there he was peeping away. This is my very first time hatching eggs and I do have a question. He is closing his eyes and laying down alot....he has moved all around the incubator but seems like he is tired I bet hatching out is a lot of work. Just need reassurance that this is normal and he will make it. Also how long for them to dry off and get fluffy?

Thanks in advance for any replys

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