Setting eggs July 6th. Need some hatching buddies. Lets have some fun!

I set 9 eggs on the 4th (from my easter egger banty hen/rooster), it's my first time hatching and I am hoping to pick up some dominique eggs tomorrow to add to the incubator.
Hi all,
My eggs arrived via USPS today. I heard they should sit for about 12 hours before starting? I am going to try and hatch a half dozen Mille Fleur d'uccle eggs.
I have never incubated eggs. I hatched with the Mothers-day hatch but I used a broodie. With temps 100+ I don't think anyone wants to sit on a nest. I just borrowed the incubator from a friend. It worries me as their hatch rate was very low.
I am looking for advice.
Yall are all welcome, comes to find out when I put my eggs in my incubator wouldn't raise heat so I had to set them out, put them in my other incubator for the time being, then im gonna fix this incubator then put it back in there..
So I went out to check my hens today my one hen is doing great but the other has turn on me and broke all the eggs I think I might set another tomorrow but I will wait and see what happens
I'll play! I set 20 eggs in the incubator on July 5th, so that's close enough, isn't it? They are mostly Dominiques and Dominique crosses (my roos are all Doms, but I have a few other types of hens). I'm slowly transitioning over to all Dominiques, but I still need some extra layers so I set some of the cross breed eggs. Anyway, I am trying dry incubation for the first time to see how it goes. I set four hatches back in early spring when the house air was super dry, so I had water in the incubator all the time. I had some difficulty with a few eggs developing all the way to the end but being unable to hatch, so I had to wonder if it was a humidity problem, the air cells seemed on the small side for a few of them. Since it's summer now and the humidity in the house is pretty high, I'm going to give dry incubation a try and see if it works any better!
So I went out to check my hens today my one hen is doing great but the other has turn on me and broke all the eggs I think I might set another tomorrow but I will wait and see what happens

Oh no, she broke them? I didn't know they would do that. That's really not good. Best of luck with your second set.
I am in !!! Was on your last hatch had zero results...hoping to do better! Have set mine three days ago 8 frizzel Cochin bantams and 11 EE's...good luck to us all!!
I'm in! I have a broody Australorp that I separated from the flock tonight. I set 12 eggs under her, but I'm a bit nervous because most of them had been refrigerated. The info I found says that they should be fine, and I let them come to room temp over the course of the day before I set them out tonight. I have a completely random mix of eggs; my roo is a Buckeye/Campine cross, and my girls are buff Orpington, Australorp, or EEs. Should be interesting...

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