Setting eggs June 3rd. Need hatching buddies! Lets have some fun!

Jandrusrn- Thanks for that info! That's the hardest thing about this is just leaving them alone! Hopefully after reading this, I'll be able to keep my mitts off and let them be!
Here's the link to the cheat sheet.... so many people suggested it to me after horrible hatch rates, and yikes... what a great result we have now!!!
Thanks for the info!
I set some this afternoon! I will be setting some more that are layed tomorrow morning, see if they can hatch :) seeing as how I accidentally destroyed my only developing chick in my last lot. So consider me setting on the 5th :)

Can't wait to see how we all turn out. :D
I just learned from the people ahead of me..... I read and read and read......

I know nothing about hatching and now have 2 incubators running as well as 8 wee ones in the brooder. My life is full
Count me in, I set the evening of June 1st. 24 turkey eggs, 14 Barnevelders and 15 Black Copper Marans. I also have a hatch date this friday, the 8th, RIReds. Yeah I know, sounds like a lot of birds. They'll fit in nicely with the other 50 birds in the barn...Ive become a bird freak.
I had 12 EE eggs in my incubator and a duck egg. All due to hatch 5/27/12. My temps began to flux, high then low. Found out my thermometer was off by 4 degrees. Finally got it adjusted correctly and hoped for a hatch. I could see chicks when candling. Did have 1 Cochin mix hatch on the 22nd but not it's 2 mates. Had to leave on 5/31 for a weekend trip. Put a bowl of water in incubator just in case they hatched while gone. Nope. Opened all eggs when I got home. Some fully developed, 4 chicks and the duck. The rest in various stages of development but all had died.

I'd thought to incubate eggs from my male Showgirl/female Silky. But she is doing the job for me. When we got home last night I went to collect 3 days worth of eggs. Itty Bitty was sitting on 2 of her own eggs.(She is the smallest Silky ever!) This morning just to be sure, I tried to check under her and was soundly pecked for my efforts. I gave her a Cochin egg to go w/her 2 eggs. That's all she can cover. Not sure which day she started sitting, but am counting the time from Sunday the 3rd. So I'm in with only 3 eggs! Now I just hope the Showgirl Roo did his job!

My female Burbon Red Turkey was sitting on 2 of her eggs & 2 chicken eggs. But I have no male turkey and the mature rooster has only been in with the female for 4 days, so I took those eggs away from the turkey.
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Out of the blue my light Sussex went broody today so I set six eggs under her (her first time so don't want to push it!) Saw that y'all were setting today too so thought I'd join in on the hatching fun! Lord knows what the chickies will look like as I have about 4 different breeds in my flock!
Bring on the 24th already
Mine will be a suprise package too
Count me in, I set the evening of June 1st. 24 turkey eggs, 14 Barnevelders and 15 Black Copper Marans. I also have a hatch date this friday, the 8th, RIReds. Yeah I know, sounds like a lot of birds. They'll fit in nicely with the other 50 birds in the barn...Ive become a bird freak.
My son and I have too. At least we have lots of room too. Over 100 birds. However some will go in the freezer and some to our local swap meet soon. oh! 58 in the bators. We are working on quality stock of several diffrent breeds, egg layers, meaties, and of course some bantums and favarollies for fun.
I really shoudnt have gotton so many eggs. I hope nothing bad happens to all of them becuase I was so un self controled with the egg procureing.

Thats minus the 14 soon to hatch chuckers and 8 chicken eggs I just coudnt get to fit in there. The only down side I think to haveing extra large large eggs. Thats like 129 eggs give or take . I think the Little giants sapose to fit 50?
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