Setting eggs June 3rd. Need hatching buddies! Lets have some fun!

Still WOW! How do you take the stress at hatch time? I am afraid I am going to need a valuim or two this hatch with so many. ( Kidding, never had a valum in my life). But it might sound good in 19 or 20 days!!!!
I know right . I dont know I will worry and fret and worry some more but really I think Ill be able to cope fairly well. ON the bright side though I will have at least 3 hatch days avrageing I dont know something like a week apart give or take so at lest when its over and iM going into hatching withdrawl I wont have to wait a full 21 days
set my eggs yesterday 6 silver laced orpintons and 6 light sussex l/f my first incubator hatch. Just woundering what do you guys do with all your chicks do you keep them all or sell them?
Correction. My Silky laid another egg. So 3 Silky eggs & 1 Cochin egg. Plan on getting a dozen mixed eggs from a gal I know who sells eggs, tomorrow. When I'm sure the 'bator is stable I'll add the Cochin egg w/my purchased eggs. I'm hoping for a Showgirl out of the hatchlings.
I set 17 Splash Marans on the 2nd of June and just put 11 Black Copper Marans into lockdown.
Let the games begin....
Aloha everyone!! i just set 20 eggs in the bator this morning 18 EExgame rooster and 2 black sexlink. i also have a broody bantam cochin due to hatch any day now with 4 eggs same EE mix but 1 is a game hen same rooster. (there are pics of the roo and back story on the old fashioned broody hen hatch thread from a day or 2 ago) and my other cochin banty is going broody!!
i think i am just going to give her a few from the bator and see if she sits if not they will go back in... i dont want to over do it.... or do i hahaha! maybe a few more wouldnt hurt?? right? now if only my duck hen would sit! i plan on selling most of the chicks

this will be my second hatch with the bator and 1st with the broody (we had another attempt by an EE but she made a mess of things - broke eggs when they where about a week away from hatching then abandoned the mess - ICK!) so far 24 possible
lil fuzzy butts on the way!

so how many eggs do we all have set?? if its ok with the OP maybe we can get a count going??

Im so EGGcited for everyone!!
30 chicken, 31 guenia, and 2 dove that may not be fertle. 63 total, till I candle on Friday or Saturday. I think it would be fun to see just how many eggs we are all hatching. Bet it is a staggering amount!!!!!
I set 8 in this morning too! :D pretty excited. No doubt most of them will be unfertilized, like my last failed hatch :/

See how we go. Mine are ISA Browns crossed with Barred Rock (the rooster is a BR). I wonder what they'll look like...

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