Setting eggs June 3rd. Need hatching buddies! Lets have some fun!

Argh! This is my second hatch (after my first, failed attempt with four eggs, and three were unfertilized and I cracked all of them open!) and I'm having a dilemma.

I've heard that most eggs on Day 3, you can see the spider-web of blood vessels when you candle them. I CANNOT SEE NOTHING in any of my 8 eggs. :( They all have a dark spot which floats to the top every time I turn the eggs, and one has an especially larger black area than the others. But no blood vessels that I can see?! Should I give up... :/ or wait a few more days. When is a definative day that the blood vessels should show up in candling?

thanks :)
Howdy I just happen to see your post and just thought Id give you a hoot. I just figured out how to reply lol. I just wanted to tell ya to give it until 7 days. I candled at 7 days and had them spider viens your talking about and alil dark spot where the chick was forming. This is only my 3rd hatch so please double check anything Id say but I do have a friend thats hatched for years and he said for me to candle the 7th day and right before I stop turning them for them to hatch. I had 21 easter eggers eggs and 16 hatched last week. So excited cause my first hatches didnt do so well at all because I was using a old microwave that I turned into a incubator. I insulated it well and had it all fixed up nice and worked well until time to stop turning the eggs and the temp kept flucuating so much I think it killed the chicks cause they had feathers and all but the yolk sac was never absorbed. A real bummer. I went and bought acouple of the lil giants and had a aweaome hatch rate this time I think. Wish itd of been 100% but shoot cant complain Im guessin.Take care and it is so great to meet ya on here!!!!!
Howdy I just happen to see your post and just thought Id give you a hoot. I just figured out how to reply lol. I just wanted to tell ya to give it until 7 days. I candled at 7 days and had them spider viens your talking about and alil dark spot where the chick was forming. This is only my 3rd hatch so please double check anything Id say but I do have a friend thats hatched for years and he said for me to candle the 7th day and right before I stop turning them for them to hatch. I had 21 easter eggers eggs and 16 hatched last week. So excited cause my first hatches didnt do so well at all because I was using a old microwave that I turned into a incubator. I insulated it well and had it all fixed up nice and worked well until time to stop turning the eggs and the temp kept flucuating so much I think it killed the chicks cause they had feathers and all but the yolk sac was never absorbed. A real bummer. I went and bought acouple of the lil giants and had a aweaome hatch rate this time I think. Wish itd of been 100% but shoot cant complain Im guessin.Take care and it is so great to meet ya on here!!!!!
. I happened on this site last month while trying to recearch some on my first hatch. I had 7 out of 12 hatch for my first. If not for the great folks n here I probally would have gone mad! With the tips and help I am trying it agin. You can bet I am staying rite here to get me through!
Howdy all, Wanted to thank ya for inviting us to be a hatching buddy. I just put in 11/2 incubators full yesterday, so hoping all goes well. I think Im addicted lol. I have so much fun with these lil guys. I had 16 out of 21 easter eggers hatch last week and 1 guinea the week before (which that hatching rate was a bummer cause there was 14 guinea eggs and alot of them had formed chicks) I was using a old incubator I made out of a microwave so carefully but just didnt do the trick then, but got me a couple of the little styrofoams and the easter eggers seemed to hatch out great in it. This is only the 3rd time Ive ever tried hatching any eggs and seems to be getting better each hatch and the fact I got a real incibator lol. I sure do send ya all the best hatchings ever and it is great getting to meet you all on here!!!!!
Welcome! I am new to incubating. I am using a homemade styrofoam incubator too. It is a learning experience, for sure! I have been having trouble.

Howdy all, Wanted to thank ya for inviting us to be a hatching buddy. I just put in 11/2 incubators full yesterday, so hoping all goes well. I think Im addicted lol. I have so much fun with these lil guys. I had 16 out of 21 easter eggers hatch last week and 1 guinea the week before (which that hatching rate was a bummer cause there was 14 guinea eggs and alot of them had formed chicks) I was using a old incubator I made out of a microwave so carefully but just didnt do the trick then, but got me a couple of the little styrofoams and the easter eggers seemed to hatch out great in it. This is only the 3rd time Ive ever tried hatching any eggs and seems to be getting better each hatch and the fact I got a real incibator lol. I sure do send ya all the best hatchings ever and it is great getting to meet you all on here!!!!!
My 3 week old Royal Palm Turkey is helping me type! My brooder box is inside and she insist on flying out and rite up in my lap to help me. The male is content to stay put, but if there is activity she is out and in the middle. I think she waits all nite for me to get up and start coffee, as she will stay in all nite. She found me all the way in the kitchen yesterday!
Good thing this pair is not going to be "dinner". My grand-daughter named them Romeo and Juliet. She is 6.
I just had my first hatch, i hatched 6 out of 12. Not to shabby for a first time. Now i am on my second hatch. And i wanted hatching buddies, so i made this post. Now i got alot of friends and hatching buddies!
I feel your pain..
I think that I may have lost one of my 3 in the homemade bator. It's a dark egg, so it kind of hard to tell. I had another temp spike yesterday, so I am going to check it tonight when it's pitch black.

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