Setting eggs June 3rd. Need hatching buddies! Lets have some fun!

Hey all! Candled again ( I had 10 guinea eggs to start). Two gave up after a few days and two gave up around day 8 (blood rings) So im down to 6. All 6 are mowing like cray!! But the best news of all, I talked the hubby into building a new coop!!
We started it yesterday, we have the floor and two walls up! I have babies coming from meyer hatchery on the 26th and guines due to hatch on the 1st! Can I raise them together???
Hey all! Candled again ( I had 10 guinea eggs to start). Two gave up after a few days and two gave up around day 8 (blood rings) So im down to 6. All 6 are mowing like cray!! But the best news of all, I talked the hubby into building a new coop!!
We started it yesterday, we have the floor and two walls up! I have babies coming from meyer hatchery on the 26th and guines due to hatch on the 1st! Can I raise them together???
Lucky! I am trying to talk my hubby into building another coop too, one for big hens and one for bantams. I may be losing that battle. My dad volunteered though, Yay! You should be able to raise them together. I tried to raise my guineas with my chicks, they were the same age, but the guineas were so flighty and skittish that they started to make my sweet chicks flighty and a little neurotic as well. I had to separate them after a couple of weeks, I did not want skittish chickies. The chicks ended up being super sweet and very friendly. Try it out and see how it goes.
2 more have movement.
I can't see inside the darker eggs well, and I believe all of my white eggs have movement at this time.
Day 14 candle went well.... lost 3 though so we're down to 13 from the 16.... I'm thinking we may be a smidgen below temp... just judging by the movement and the smallish size of the babies inside..... who knows? Not me. I'm guessing and will adjust as I need to on day 18. Will have another incubator up to temp just in case we need to delay lockdown for a couple of the little guys.

Super excited! Leghorns, Jersey Giants, BCM, Lav Orps, Laced Brahmas, Plymouth Barred Rock....super stoked.

Hey guys,

I locked down my incubator last night....I cannot get my humidity up. The channels are full of water and I have 3 tampons in there to hold more water. I can't get it above 46%. It's very strange. Yesterday it was at 65% with no problems. It's just plain weird.

I am concerned, my Brinsea mini says that the eggs should turn until day 20, when it automatically turns off. EVERYTHING that I have read says not to turn them after day 18. I feel like I should stop it, I would hate for the chicks to get confused and have something happen to them while hatching.
I candle 7 white eggs, no movement at al!
it is day 14!!! But on the other hand i candled one of my eggs under the broody hen yesterday(It was day 5) And i've never seen so much progression on day 5 ever!
I'm also super discouraged... this is my first hatch and I just felt like there was so many different aspects to keep track of. I locked down 28 eggs yesterday and 23 definitely had movement. However, I feel like their air sacs are way smaller than that chart that I see floating around. I'm going to be devastated knowing that I had at least 22 live babies today, only to have them die before hatching. Has anyone else had smaller air sacs and still had chicks hatch?
Days 1-18 I kept the humidity right at 30%. Yesterday I bumped it up to 65%. It spiked up to 75% for about a couple of hours, but I vented and I got it back down pretty quickly. Now it seems to have leveled out at about 60-65%...

I just don't want to get my hopes up with those little air sacs...

Eta: I also forgot to ask, since I've locked down the eggs aren't moving or rocking or anything... should they be doing something??
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Stephanie, I am getting discouraged too, have had a temp spike and can only see definite movement in one
I am hopeful, yet not overly expectant. The eggs that I can see movement are lighter eggs, so that makes me think that I just can't see the movement in the dark eggs. Still, the movement is very slight. A couple of them looked as if they were breathing, nothing more. I am down to 26 eggs from 29.

Mine is still air, and the temp has been fairly constant around 100-101 except that spike. I guess the chick babies are generating more heat because my thermometers now keep increasing to 102, so I am opening more vents to cool it off.

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