Setting eggs June 3rd. Need hatching buddies! Lets have some fun!

I guess I will accept that as a very good sign. Maybe I do have many living chickies in there!
I do see a dark blob and an air sack. One does have light veins the others I cannot tell anything. There are three I don't see anything I left them in there and on day 14 I will toss the clear ones and leave the questionable ones in there. Keeping fingers and toes crossed
The problem I see with candling is it puts people in a panic mode...I candled the other didn't want to keep them out long, if I saw dark, and an air sack..I put it back, didn't wait to see movement! I would hate to throw out a good egg because I didn't see movement. Chick could be sleeping or getting too big to move! If the egg isn't clear, I say just leave it! Just like getting on a scale every day when you are on a discourages you if you don't see what you want to see or think you should see!

And Jake...thought you were in lockdown? If you are don't turn the eggs or open the bator! Sit back and let nature do its thing! Good Luck to all! I have 8 more days until lock down!...Maybe 7!
Got caught up with my broody and her problems. So been a while but.....

Beckymca - I'm addicted to hatching also. This is only my second hatch but I already have plans for more. My hubby though wonders where all the chickens are going to go. I'm a teacher and I do a meal worm project with my kids that takes them through the whole life cycle which takes 3 to 4 months. Then as a end reward/wrap up to the mealworm project, I bring chicks to school and let them feed the chicks their mealworms. So I have to hatch some out this december or the kids will get scared by my large fully grown chickens. (We have many who are afraid of 3 week old chicks). Sad but many have very little contact with animals and nature.

Gabrielle1976 , Stephanie - I put way too many eggs in the incubator. My turner only holds 41 eggs but I had 46 in there hand turning 5 sitting on the rim. I candled twice in the last week and got rid of some eggs that didn't appear to be developing just so that I could fit the other 5 eggs up on the turner. And I have a few on the counter that I really want to stick in there for a staggered hatch. My roo has been gone 2 1/2 weeks so it is now or never but I have it full with eggs that are supposed to hatch Sunday!

Stephanie - You seem to be having a lot of temp swings with your little giant. I don't have still air but I do have a little giant. I wanted to ask you. Is it in an air conditioned space that is at a set temp. Not like at night we keep it at 72 but during the day we raise the house to 76? Is is actually away from doors and windows? Also does your air conditioning vent blow on or at it. I have found with good placement that mine is very stable, more so than I thought it would be. I'm on day 15 and it has been rock solid 99.5 degrees. I have an electronic house temp monitor in my incubator and it keeps track of high and low temps. 97 to 99 (it doesn't measure tenths) all day long and the 97's happen when I open to add water or candle. I also have 2 plain thermometers on top my eggs to look for temp variations. The little house thing was actually for humidity the high low temp was a bonus.

Stephanie, WhitePetunia, Jake - other first time hatchers. Do not worry about movement when candling. It is nice to see but many darker eggs just aren't that visible after about day 8. My first hatch was black copper marans with americauna's couldn't see much of anything most of the time. But most of them hatched and lived. I had a couple get shrink wrapped. Just stay the course. I know the first time is so nerve racking. I didn't sleep for 3 days.

Experienced hatchers. I have my own dilemma. I have to be out of town for days 17, 18, 19 so do I stop the turner early or late?
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Sorry I must have gotten lost in the replies. I saw someone who had a styrofoam but went out and bought a little giant.

I wanted hubby to make a styrofoam cooler or homemade incubator to save money and at the time I thought it was going to be a one time hatch.

But.... Hubby being hubby, a very long to do list and expensive tastes. He bought me the LG forced air and turner incubator instead. Had I known he was going to do that instead of build one I'd have thrown that money plus a little more into a 'better' set up. But of course he shopped at TSC so he didn't know about the other options. he just bought everything they had LOL.

I like hatching way to much and already have way to many chickens so what's a girl to do?

Edited to add: Many of those questions apply to any incubator they may help with your temp swings.
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The problem I see with candling is it puts people in a panic mode...I candled the other didn't want to keep them out long, if I saw dark, and an air sack..I put it back, didn't wait to see movement! I would hate to throw out a good egg because I didn't see movement. Chick could be sleeping or getting too big to move! If the egg isn't clear, I say just leave it! Just like getting on a scale every day when you are on a discourages you if you don't see what you want to see or think you should see!

And Jake...thought you were in lockdown? If you are don't turn the eggs or open the bator! Sit back and let nature do its thing! Good Luck to all! I have 8 more days until lock down!...Maybe 7!
im not in lockdown, im on day 14.
Got caught up with my broody and her problems. So been a while but.....

Beckymca - I'm addicted to hatching also. This is only my second hatch but I already have plans for more. My hubby though wonders where all the chickens are going to go. I'm a teacher and I do a meal worm project with my kids that takes them through the whole life cycle which takes 3 to 4 months. Then as a end reward/wrap up to the mealworm project, I bring chicks to school and let them feed the chicks their mealworms. So I have to hatch some out this december or the kids will get scared by my large fully grown chickens. (We have many who are afraid of 3 week old chicks). Sad but many have very little contact with animals and nature.

Gabrielle1976 , Stephanie - I put way too many eggs in the incubator. My turner only holds 41 eggs but I had 46 in there hand turning 5 sitting on the rim. I candled twice in the last week and got rid of some eggs that didn't appear to be developing just so that I could fit the other 5 eggs up on the turner. And I have a few on the counter that I really want to stick in there for a staggered hatch. My roo has been gone 2 1/2 weeks so it is now or never but I have it full with eggs that are supposed to hatch Sunday!

Stephanie - You seem to be having a lot of temp swings with your little giant. I don't have still air but I do have a little giant. I wanted to ask you. Is it in an air conditioned space that is at a set temp. Not like at night we keep it at 72 but during the day we raise the house to 76? Is is actually away from doors and windows? Also does your air conditioning vent blow on or at it. I have found with good placement that mine is very stable, more so than I thought it would be. I'm on day 15 and it has been rock solid 99.5 degrees. I have an electronic house temp monitor in my incubator and it keeps track of high and low temps. 97 to 99 (it doesn't measure tenths) all day long and the 97's happen when I open to add water or candle. I also have 2 plain thermometers on top my eggs to look for temp variations. The little house thing was actually for humidity the high low temp was a bonus.

Stephanie, WhitePetunia, Jake - other first time hatchers. Do not worry about movement when candling. It is nice to see but many darker eggs just aren't that visible after about day 8. My first hatch was black copper marans with americauna's couldn't see much of anything most of the time. But most of them hatched and lived. I had a couple get shrink wrapped. Just stay the course. I know the first time is so nerve racking. I didn't sleep for 3 days.

Experienced hatchers. I have my own dilemma. I have to be out of town for days 17, 18, 19 so do I stop the turner early or late?
This isnt my first hatch, Last hatch i saw movement this time of incubation process, this time i dont.

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