Setting eggs June 3rd. Need hatching buddies! Lets have some fun!

I don't know if I joined this group or not but I did sub to it so I think I did post early one. I started my eggs on the 2nd so lock down was the 18th and hatch day the 22nd. But they started pipping last nite around 11pm. I woke up to this this morning.
Terrible picture but they kept moving around. They look like little snapping turtles. LOL I now have one more in there and 4 more pipping. I ended up with 26 out of 30 eggs but I didn't candle at lock down. So I did have a weeper I took out. Don't know how many others are quiters. Just decided to be surprised.
Hope it is a good one.
My son woke me up say he thought there was a baby in the incubator, hatch wasnt sapose to start till the night of the 23rd but there he was sitting in his egg squeeking and squirming, he fell over and got stuck bottom up feet kicking between the eggcarton and the back wall of the incubator. I did a quick scan to see if there were any pips then grabbed him out real quick.
Now what to do with him , the quail are getting picked up today so I thought I had time to clean the brooder for those hatching this weekend. I put him in with them but they were scared and piled in a corner except one that came and pecked at him, when I picked him back up he was cold
they have a heat lamp I dont know how he got cold so I am typeing this one handed while cuddleing him close to me.
I have all the eggs neatle in the incubator they all fit well but after his issue Im worried about the the others that are going to hatch. They will have more room if I take the cartons out but , Im worried moveing all the eggs around will disorieant the chicks in there eggs or lose to much humidty if there was a pip I didnt see
On day 16 with bantams so I finally culled the 6 that were clear.I have one definite but two I am not sure so I kept them. I read some lockdown with batams early should I?

And congrats to all the cute hatchlings and their new parents! :ya
Today is day 19 for my eggs under my broody. Didn't check her this morning but went in the pen after work to hear loud cheeping! I lifted momma up gently to find a fairly newborn baby chick underneath and another egg pipping! I've never had them hatch this early before, especially as there was no peeping from inside the eggs last night so the little fella hatched pretty quickly! If it's female (hopefully for it's sake) will name Betty her after my great grandma who sadly passed away yesterday :(

Also, in two of the eggs when I shake them gently I can feel something moving and hitting the insides of the shell. They are not smelling but do not maintain heat as a live one would. I think they are dead but don't want to remove them just yet. Any ideas anyone?

Congrats to everyone who have successfully hatched already :D here's to many more!
If nothing has happened on day 24 for the silkie, open it and do an autopsy.
When I took the last chick out this morning, I took the black silkie egg out and candled it super movement, but I figured that te chick could have been resting. It did it so quick though, I didn't wait around to see if anything moved. I bad. So far 5 gorgeous whites and 1 blue beautiful silkie....Hopefully the black one will come. Got my fingers crossed.
My son woke me up say he thought there was a baby in the incubator, hatch wasnt sapose to start till the night of the 23rd but there he was sitting in his egg squeeking and squirming, he fell over and got stuck bottom up feet kicking between the eggcarton and the back wall of the incubator. I did a quick scan to see if there were any pips then grabbed him out real quick.
Now what to do with him , the quail are getting picked up today so I thought I had time to clean the brooder for those hatching this weekend. I put him in with them but they were scared and piled in a corner except one that came and pecked at him, when I picked him back up he was cold
they have a heat lamp I dont know how he got cold so I am typeing this one handed while cuddleing him close to me.
I have all the eggs neatle in the incubator they all fit well but after his issue Im worried about the the others that are going to hatch. They will have more room if I take the cartons out but , Im worried moveing all the eggs around will disorieant the chicks in there eggs or lose to much humidty if there was a pip I didnt see
If you can find a little box and get a light that will go down into a ways put him in it. I have done that before. They dry off from the heat of the light. I used a 60 watt light that was a clip on. I could clip on but I hung it over the edge into the box. I put a thermometer in there to keep track of the temp. It was close to a hundred and the chick usually hoovered out around the edge of it. Some times you have to take matters into you own hands and do what you have to do.
I hope your little one makes it. I'd make a little box with a light for him, keep him warm and he should be fine. Very cute!

I've got one new chick, yippee!!!! Pics coming later.
Today is day 19 for my eggs under my broody. Didn't check her this morning but went in the pen after work to hear loud cheeping! I lifted momma up gently to find a fairly newborn baby chick underneath and another egg pipping! I've never had them hatch this early before, especially as there was no peeping from inside the eggs last night so the little fella hatched pretty quickly! If it's female (hopefully for it's sake) will name Betty her after my great grandma who sadly passed away yesterday

Also, in two of the eggs when I shake them gently I can feel something moving and hitting the insides of the shell. They are not smelling but do not maintain heat as a live one would. I think they are dead but don't want to remove them just yet. Any ideas anyone?
Congrats to everyone who have successfully hatched already
here's to many more!
Sorry for your loss. Prayers to you and your family.
He is a cutie cutie cutie and of course wants to be snuggled in my hoodie or something all the time no alone in the bucket for him
My son already says we have to keep him . I have no idea if its a boy or a girl but I would guess that an EE would be a bit big to keep in the house

He really is very cute I dont think I have ever had a chick with a face as fluffy as his
Got so mega fat feet and leggs though

Look at those chubby toes

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