Setting eggs June 3rd. Need hatching buddies! Lets have some fun!

Hatch day tomorrow. Have had one pip this morning and nothing all day! I am so impatient.....HURRY UP!
Went out a bit ago to collect todays eggs. One of my Blue Cochins who has already raised 2 broods in the past 7 months is acting like she wants to be Broody again! Yesterday she sat in a nest box for 3-4 hours. Today there she is again, and had 3 eggs under her. If she's still acting Broody tomorrow I'm moving her to the Brooder so the other hens won't be pushing her off the nest to lay their eggs.

My eggs in the incubator go into lock down tonight. Tomorrow night.
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I did some more tweaking, still trying to best prepare for lockdown. I changed bulbs, down from a 13 watt to a 10 watt (fish tank bulb) My temp spikes have had me worried about lockdown! I'm thinking the spikes are the living babies way of telling me that they are hot! Kind of like a human body's temp will rise if they are overheated.

Well I candled a few more tonight, thinking these specific eggs might not have made it (temp specifics) and they all moved! I also candled the one that has duct tape on it and it too moved! Tonight was the first night I saw the air sac. I had always candled the opposite side up, but the tape was in the way so I flipped it the other way. NOW I know what the air sac looks like

Anyway, I guess the chick in the duct taped egg will be okay since he comes out the air sac side (right?)
I also bought 2 more thermometers. I now have 5 in my incubator. 1 on the wall which also measures humidity. The other 4 are at egg level. 2 are keeping track of temps on the outside edge on the bator, and 2 are monitoring the eggs in the center.
Anyway, I guess the chick in the duct taped egg will be okay since he comes out the air sac side (right?)
oh nevermind, they cut through the middle of the shell. I remember seeing the shell from my broody hatch. Still I guess I don't need to take off the tape at least.
I came home today to find a preemie chick! (Not really preemie, I thought all along it looked "bigger" than the rest.) But its only day 17. Hes gonna have to wait 4 days to meet his brothers and sisters.

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