Setting eggs June 3rd. Need hatching buddies! Lets have some fun!

I'm on day 20 and no pip. Haven't had that for two full hatches..... makes me nervous and just can't stand being so nervous about the eggs.......

On the positive side, my temps and Rh have remained absolutely rock solid throughout and I'm pretty confident in the air cells. All is looking great for tomorrow......right? right? right???


I may not sleep. Jane
so here is another bad pic, can u see the "stuff" stuck to his back?
they always have junk all over them.... well, mine have. I'm just sure that over time while he's drying, it'll fluff off and be fine. Preening will be exciting. IF you need to, a weenie sponge bath under a heat lamp is a great idea once everything's "done"

yay! Congratulations....
Yep I wish I had something stronger then water and regular ice tea ( WHY IS THE RUM GONE) I dont think I will be sleeping much eather I have a total of like 15 or 16 pips now, 2 of the serama , 5 bob white, 3 or maybe its 4 of the chukar,and like 4 or 5 of the mixed lf eggs . Its kinda wierd another of the big eggs made a cracking popping sound and made a big breaking pip that takes up like a 3rd of one side of the shell thats two from that one group of 8 eggs that have strong armed there pips .. wonder if that will effect zipping

I have my Hatch cam up the link is in my sig. Let me know if it dosnt work for you .
Oh Lordie gabrielle watching your baby is almost as much fun as watching mine!! I have another pipped (makes 4) and one almost completely zipped And this baby gets cuter by the minute

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