Setting eggs June 3rd. Need hatching buddies! Lets have some fun!

Well, nevermind. That chick died.
Seems like quite a few are having disappointing hatches. I'm sorry to hear that. It is so frustrating to get to the end and have something go wrong.

My hatch is done. I got 17 chicks. I have one not sure if he'll make it cause he has a navel protrusion that does not seem to be going away. I've tried different stuff. I think today I'm gonna try vet tape if I can find some and we don't get rained in. right now the rain is going pretty hard.

I started with 45 about 10 never started or quit really early, 17 hatched, 1 died with help from me (4 hatched with help from me), 5 were shrink wrapped but I didn't break them out early enough with all the storm craziness and trying to save super glue (my chick with a navel protrusion), 6 quit in the middle somewhere. about 6 seemed to have quit late in the game but not in the last 24 hours. They had too much yolk and stuff to be 20 day babies.

So if you count fertile (shipped) eggs only then I had a 50% hatch rate which is typical of shipped eggs but frustrating because the storm I'm pretty sure took out 6 to 7 viable chicks. AAAArrrgh.

I'll post pictures once they are all fluffed.
we need the rain too but my power outage came at a critical junction and gave me some trouble with my hatch. thats the short version. Back at home now and of course once out of the shell not as fragile as half pipped.

Jake how is your double yolker doing?

Caylee I saw in another thread you have 3 chicks. Are you done now or how many are left?

Gabrielle very cute chicks, how many did you set and how many are hatched and when is day 21 again?

Bacon I saw nothing has hatched yet (right?) what day are you on?

Mcfly were those local eggs or shipped?

Wullus how awesome!
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