Setting eggs June 3rd. Need hatching buddies! Lets have some fun!

ohh Jake. I'm so sorry. I hope the others thrive. If you need another batch of fertile eggs, I will send some to you for free. They are just backyard mixes, but all pure mixes and cute! I ended up with what I believe is a little australorp/bantam cochin mix pullet from my broody who I just adore. See my signature? Those are my babies :)

That would be fantastic!!!
Checked under the Redstar mumma hen this mornng.....she is still broodie...fluffing up & making that cute sound. Of course I cant tell if the eggs are 'rolling' around,
(that would be something to see!!) but I picked up each one (about 4 viables) & put it to my ear to listen for pipping. No pipping. I candled them yesterday....& there could be two that are good to go. Time will tell.
How in the world do you folks stand this waiting called "lockdown?"
Just went into lockdown today (day 18) with my first-ever incubator hatch (at least I hope they hatch!). I'm not sure my nerves will hold out until day 21! Have always used broody hens before, but didn't have one ready when the eggs I got arrived. If this doesn't work out, you can find me at the local mental health facility!
Welcome! This is my first hatch too. Its amazing how much I have enjoyed staring at eggs through a little window lol and so exciting when it moves or chirps! Day 19, one pip so far :)
Just came in from standing guard while my chickens free ranged for an hour. Found another white chick sitting on it's behind in 1/2 of its shell. Took egg out of the carton & laid it down & chick wiggled out of the shell. That's 5 today.

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