Setting eggs on 6/18.... anyone wanna join?

are you talking to me? LOL! well, since mine is a fridge, i take a whole carton or two out, candle them all, throw the duds out, and put them back in the fridge. basically i act like a momma hen getting off the nest for a minute or so to poop. HAHAAA

yes-I was-I couldnt imagine candeling 10 dozen eggs-I get nervous at a dozen-I hope you have all 10 dozen hopping around in there for you! Ill be watching...I want to see pictures of 10 dozen babies LOL
are you talking to me? LOL! well, since mine is a fridge, i take a whole carton or two out, candle them all, throw the duds out, and put them back in the fridge. basically i act like a momma hen getting off the nest for a minute or so to poop. HAHAAA

yes-I was-I couldnt imagine candeling 10 dozen eggs-I get nervous at a dozen-I hope you have all 10 dozen hopping around in there for you! Ill be watching...I want to see pictures of 10 dozen babies LOL

i would hope so, but i bet a few are not fertile. some are just brand new layers!!!
want to hear something stupid? I caught my big partridge silkie mating my little dark brahma today! I was so excited to see that in a sick wanting eggs sorta way-I thought the girls started laying eggs long before they got umm "taken"..They are 4 months old-I hope Ill see eggs-Id love to try and hatch some of those fluff butts out! none of my girls have laid eggs yet but they are getting something-poor things!
My incubator has been moody. I've changed the location twice, and I think I've finally got a stable temp. I'm going to check it in the morning to be sure it isn't fooling me, and then I'll set my hatch. I'll be two full days behind you guys. I'm really excited about incubating this group of eggs. I've got practical chickens now: Barred Plymouth Rocks, mostly. I've always wanted some interesting chickens, and this hatch is exactly that: Mottled Houdans and Polish. I can't wait to see their fluffy little heads!!!!
It's official! I set my hatch this morning at 9 a.m. My Mottled Houdans and Polish babies are on the way.

I removed fifteen eggs from my other incubator this morning. What a disappointment. That batch is due to hatch in 7 days. I don't know why I have so many quitters. Three were obviously not fertilized, I can say that now for sure, but the rest had started but didn't thrive. I'm going to order a fan off e-bay and install it before I use that incubator again. It's a Little Giant, and has always worked well in the past, but this current hatch is making me think my temperature hasn't been consistent enough. Anybody out there installed a fan in an LG before???
I will be a little behind as well, but will be setting a few duck eggs(I think shelley said one pekin and a few rouens, maybe mixed with cayuga) in the upcoming week, depending on how long the post office takes....
10 dozen????? I am envious!
Poco...if you find anything about installing a fan in your little giant, could you let me know how it works out. I have a LG and am thinking I could benefit from a fan too.
Well here is a picture of the ones i set the 19th i have room for 6 more but i think i will leave those slots empty stagered hatchs r a pain. There are white silkie eggs and black silkie eggs also mixed bantams.


Good luck everyone Starry in ON CANADA
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