Setting eggs on 6/18.... anyone wanna join?

Out of my 18 shipped eggs I have 14 developing for sure, two iffy, and two I threw out (one a bloodring and one totally clear). DANNY did a wonderful job packing them! There is even one that was cracked by a hen preshipping that is developing.

I also have some of my own banty eggs - they are all developing except for two from the same silkie and so far hers have never developed. Then I have some green and brown eggs in there - it looks like only two of my brown eggs are developing and none of the green.

I got rid of my old big rooster and now my EE doesn't like my showgirl or my new big rooster. She is such a priss. I want my BCM roo to mate with her so I can get some good olive eggers from her. It's not for a lack of trying on his part.
I'm going to wait until Friday to candle my hatch. I usually can't see anything until they've been in the incubator for 6 or 7 days.

Does anyone have a trick to photographing eggs you are candling? I'd like to take pictures of my good ones at 7 days, 14 days, and 18 days, but I've never tried it before and don't know how to keep me candling light from washing out the image.

My other incubator is about to be filled with hatching chicks. I took the turner out yesterday, so there should be a few pipping as early as Thursday. I'm setting up a new brooder in the basement because the heat in the barn is just toooooo much.
I put in 11 eggs that were shipped from Utah. 7 are developing and 4 don't look like anything going on. I think thats pretty good since this is my first time and the eggs are shipped too. I'm keeping my
fingers crossed.
so because I wasn't paying attention...I have eggs hatching today. Why I put them in the new incubator and not right into the hatcher is anyones guess. I think having a lot of eggs going at one time does take some organization....I am lacking in the organization this week, LOL

I better make space for these babies, because if even half of them hatch I am going to have babies everywhere...which I think is really cool
Alas, out of my shipped Araucana eggs only 3 look like they're developing OK. Most quit early, though only one was actually infertile. From my own flock, 3 were infertile, and 2 quitters.
So, with any luck, I'll be hatching 15 chicks. Here's hoping most of them make it! I'll certainly be biting my nails for the next couple weeks.
I candled today and I only took out about own eggs are so fertile that I am kind of tired of hatching them because I know that I can do it.....out of my eggs I only took out 3....the rest were from shipped eggs....

So all is looking good
I candled today and took out about 4 dozen. Shucks.... most of them were infertile (from my newbies)....but hey it was worth a shot.

Also, i had to toss about 10 guineas + all the shipped duck eggs (not my stock) so that really bummed me.
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