Setting eggs on 6/18.... anyone wanna join?

Did my last candle last night when I set everything up for the lockdown. I had 5 quitters and 2 questionable. I left the 2 ? ones in the bator. One of the quitters was kind of sad to look at... I could see its little foot, clear as day. But no movement, and no viens, and looked like a ring... very sad.

So.... I have 21 eggs left in the bator. The humidity is up to 56%, temp is 100.6. But I kept having dreams last night about waking up to the temp being 150* LOL. I need therapy (Or chickies to hurry up and hatch!)
The dreams were weird because I haven't really worried too much this whole time. The water wiggler temp has been between 100.4-100.6 the whole time. Rock solid, steady temps. The humidity has been fine. Yet now that we're in the last few days, I've been thinking about them nonstop.

And with my luck, they will all hatch tomorrow Or Thursday when I'm at work instead of Wednesday, when they are due and I am off.
What humidity do u hatch at ? Mine are comming out of turner except bk two rows i have a stagered hatch. I am so nervous i rly want these silkes since my hen and roo were killed. How is everyone elses eggs doing?

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Most people I've talked to say to hatch at 60-65% humidity. I can't seem to get mine there. I get it to 56-57% or it shoots up to 75+%. The humidity shoots up as they hatch anyway, so I just settle for the 56%. It worked ok the last hatch, anyway.
Have you guys ever had a stincky egg? I think I have one this time. I am gonna candle tonight, and I was wanting to take it out. Do I just smell them all, or do they look different when you candle them? Is there something I should watch for? What do you guys think?
I had a stinky egg this time. I smelled it when I opened to turn the eggs. They all looked the same, so I jsut followed my nose. I picked each one up and sniffed... It wasn't very hard to find. It was a lot harder explaining to my hubby what I was doing sniffing all the eggs.

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