Setting Eggs on April 24th!!!! Who wants to hatch along w/me???

The chicks are so cute!! What a beautiful little mommy! Keep the pictures coming.

mayberrygirl- sorry to hear that one didn't make it. But I love that your hubby has caught the chicken bug, wish mine would.

olliecatch- I know they say patience is a virtue, but not one I was gifted with, lol!! But I did hear more chirping today, so I know at least one little one is alive and I didn't shrink wrap them all.

smchickfarm- I can't wait to see mine either, I bet working while hatching sucks!!!! So nerve wrecking.

So I heard some chirping a little while ago, yippee!! My humidity is also holding steady at about 68%, finally I might add.
Was anxious to get home from town and the feed store. Remember I said we went to get chickstarter and some pine shavings............Well we also came home with 5 day old fuzzy butts.

Maybe this will make me more patient with eggs hatching...... At least Im trying with patience

Glad to hear about the other success stories. Hope Im one of them...

Patience Patience Patience
I got 3 Americauna from the batch I had at the preschool. They are 4 days old & doing well. My hens were sitting on a dozen & they kicked 7 out for some reason. I candled them & 1 wasn't fertile, but the rest were alive, so I put them in my incubator. I'm hearing peeping today, but no pips so far. The 5 left under then hens, I can't get to. They are visciously protective of them. I REALLY hope the ones I have inside hatch today, because I have 6 BCM's coming either tomorrow or Friday that have dibs on the bator.
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Can't believe it but I have a chick!!! Not sure when it pipped, but I checked my eggs about 10:15 tonight and it started zipping and didn't quit, fast little booger. Hatched about 15 minutes later, Hooray!!
It is a speckled sussex.


No more pips as far as I can see.

Now I know I won't sleep all night!
I started april23, lockdown yesterday...
I am so grateful you shared your experience newlywed. My humidity went up to 80 today...........and dropped to 50.........then took me about three hours to stabilize to 65. Anyway, you gave me hope.
I was pretty angry at myself...
My concern is my Blue Cooper Maran eggs.............did not get one to hatch last time. It was my first hatch.
I never did figure out how to candle them..they were to dark..........and I waited till day 25 before giving up.
I have no action yet.but have an LG and I have kept the temp at 99.5 to 100.5.was afraid to mess with the adjustment to much once it was set.
Anyway, neat thread....good luck all.
I did not know that this site existed until today, as i had a problem with my eggs and was looking for advice, But April 24th was when i set mine, how many you got? I have 5 living and 2 that were stuck in the egg and died, Humidity issue with this type of incubator.
how do you add pictures to the post as I have 2 good ones of the five little guys so far.
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I also just found this thread but I don't have a clue on the photographs! I set mine on the 24'th but I did not check my broody hen tonight! I'll probably go out and have chicks all over!! One of my non-computer savvy friends is hatching out 140 chicks right now also. He has 100 RIR chicks and 40 OEGB. Now I feel silly building two new pens for my 6 eggs when he has not even gotten started on his!

Day 20 here and NOTHING!
I know it is early yet........but just want to see some sort of progress!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is a video clip of the first two chicks, the d'Uccle mix is the one jumping on mommy's back.

Also this is the real mother of the little guys. She is the one who clung to these eggs tell about two days before when the sebright hen stole her clutch and managed to take the first glory as we were a day late switching the girls back at night....

So we brought them in and waited tell dark to switcharoo... Ginger looked a little stunned but this morning had the two underneath her and TWO MORE!!!!!!

So looks like we have a little sebright cross (or sebright) and another yellow chick
Let me tell you, it was a rough night knowing they where so close and ever noise they made woke me up seems like! I guess I kinda know what motherhood feels like now

Also, have another batch that will hatch next week. Candled the eggs and they look beautiful!!!! and then another the following week
And another bantam hen thats broody! But we are out of bantam layers!!!! and only have bantam roosters for our Big girls, so not sure the "Job" is getting done

Our first hatch is off to a great start!!!


Will the babies get it?! Should we separate? Not sure if the lice will like them cause they don't have feathers yet... Worried for our babies!!!
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