Setting Eggs on April 24th!!!! Who wants to hatch along w/me???

Toni, I woul just keep trying the water water thing, and hopefully after a couple more tries it will loosen up

Cool, our broodies, will be hatching about he same time!

Congrats to you biddybird!!!!!
Way to go biddybird, that is an exciting set!! And a lot!!!!

Well my lil young brooody was sitting on 19 eggs and was due Monday. This morning looks like a raccoon thought it was a buffet!!!!


Only 5 eggs under her now. I was hesitant to fire up the ol bator because I was still in a bit of shock from losing a few from my first hatch. After seeing this, I grabbed a few fresh eggs from my other hens, and the bator is up and running.

I just am hoping some chicks hatch for my lil broody, she is very determined!! Going to move the gal to the laundry room tonight, hope all is not a total loss. So far hatched babies doing great, going to post a pic as soon as I have some help taking the pic. Rounding up 10 little hopping things is kinda a calamity!! And I have a crazy grey silkie chick that runs and jumps and hurdles over everyone to get were he wants to go...takes wild flying leaps, walks some but otherwise it leaps!

Waiting for updates from you guys!!

Best wishes and lots of
AW, SCUBADEAUX, I am so sorry about the raccoon getting the eggs
I hope the remaining eggs hatch for you and your little broody!

My 5 little fluffy butts (welsummer) from last Friday are doing great. Have been in the laundry room (nursery, as I like to call it) this week.

Moving them to the brooder(rabbit hutch) up in my chicken barn this weekend!

Going to get my son's bantam salmon faverolle pair this weekend!
He is going to show them for 4H. He and I are sooooo excited!!!!!
I have wanted some of these for so long.

I actually had a pair given to me a couple weeks ago. The male he can't show cause his colors are off. The female is black(
) She can be shown but since she is on eggs and will have babies, he is not going to take her this year.

So I will keep you all updated!
Thanks---I can hardley wait. I'LL be hovering at the window!!!

Pasty Butt- I hold a warm wash rag on it till its really wet. Sometimes you do have to sort of peel it off and alittle fluff comes with it. Chick always seems fine as soon as it dries. Worse to have the pasty butt on it booty!
Thanks Biddy,
Back in the water..

It is a beautiful chick.a splash maran.the only splash I got out of my cooper blue breeding....
They are sure fun...
I love anything splash! Bet it will come off soon. It is fun loving on them while your waiting for it to moisten though.

Sorry to hear about the raccoon feast, I used to think raccoons were so cute----until I got chickens. You might consider a live trap. Once they know where the goodies are they don't stop. We have to trap a couple of times a year just to control the population.
Hope the rest hatch for you!!
Good luck Toni on the boo-hiney!! It should get better. Sometimes the poo is tough as tar!!

And Smchickfarm hope your son does great at show!!

So, I really am losing it...just finished making a new "fake egg" for the bator. The hair gel in the blown egg is brilliant! Kudos to BYC!!

Grrr- so mad - I did everything the router ppl said and everything the camera ppl said only to find out from the camera ppl today that - even though I spent $$ upgrading my website & $$ upgrading my IP - my camera was not designed to stream live video via embedding - so sorry no hatching on cam from me this go round.

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