Setting Eggs on April 24th!!!! Who wants to hatch along w/me???

smchickfarm- Thanks for the encouragement, I actually thought about going to get some eggs today from a local guy that sells them for eating but I know they are fertile, just mixed of great layers. If I do hatch I will do these that way I won't feel so guilty if none hatch, and only $2 dollars down the drain.

Scubadeaux-Thanks for being sweet but I am pretty sure I am doing something wrong, just need to figure out what. Also I hope your resuced eggs make it, what day are they on? And so sorry about the Oil spill, its just horrible. I live about 60 miles from the gulf coast in texas so I can only imagine if that were happening here so very scary and I hope they get it contained like yesterday!

justtoni44- the reddish looking chick is a partridge rock, she is really beautiful actually. Here's a little better picture

I really love Plymouth Rocks, I have 5 white rocks, and a barred rock and just love the look of the partridge so I ordered one.

Can you move your broody to a private area, where squirrels or other chickens can't get to her? Sorry I am not much help. I know any hatching can be stressful, whether it be with a broody or incubator.
newlyweds, I have no idea how far along they are, I candled them and guessed the development rate, and they have been in lock down, day 3 of lock down today. Hoping for the best!!

Toni, great idea on the brooder. I will get with you via msg. I have these mystery eggs in there really rolling...and hoping they do actually hatch soon to free up some space.
Showgirl eggs coming tomorrow, hoping my Orloff eggs are available in a week or so.

And on top of that, we had a heavy rain, with the smell again...I have most of my young flock in my back bathroom!!!

And I know how you feel, EVERYONE around me thinks I am off my rocker, but thankfully I can come to a place where everyone else fell off theirs too!!!!
hi. Daisy has babies...had three this morning and I do not know after that.tries to attack me is I get near her.
Sure hope she hatches out the three Blues................
Tried to write the other night and could not get it to send.....bad computer...........
Anyway.Newlyweds, wanted to tell you that I blew my first try.I felt so guilty and ashamed I could not even own up to it on here.
I did not calabrate my hydrometer even thogh I read that I should...............
It was new so I made a decision that it OK and I didn't need to................
Hatched one out of that batch of 30 and had to help it.. then neded up buying two day ilds to keep it company.
When I calibrated before the next hydrometer would only go to I was 8 points off the
whole previous hatch.
Anyway,I just don't want you to be to discouraged.
My last hatch was 50%....90% for the blue copper marans
So glad you are keeping in touch with us....and, there is a lot to be said for buying day olds also.....
see what you are getting, buy the number you want ect.

Oh, I was able to get Daisy protected from the other chickens......

So sorry Scuba about the oil spill.............I cannot even imagine the odor or concern about your family and
Talk later...........................
Ok Ladies I bit the bullet, after my two unsuccessful hatches, I've decided to go for it again. I bought a fan for my LG I am hoping that helps, and I will recalibrate my 2 hydrometer, and I have almost next to free eggs coming to my Wednesday and I picked some assorted eggs up at our farmer's market, some EE's at least not sure but the one I checked was fertile. I figured if I am going to try again it's best to use inexpensive eggs.

I plan to set my eggs probably Thursday morning. I am will try to take this batch easy and not stress so very much, I guess we will see how that goes. If I have any hatch I will keep a few and sell the rest to a friend that has lots of chickens and always looking for more and if only a few hatch maybe I will be that much closer to figuring out my problem.

What humidity to you guys keep from 1-18 and 18-21? I tried dry incubation last time around 40% days 1-18 then 65-70% days 18-21. Just curious.

justtoni44- glad to hear your broody has some hatched, hope the rest hatch also, how exciting. You must post some pictures.
i am new on here but as far as hatching gose i have haved almost 200 this yearbut i use a gqf sportmen an set each tray to lay doun on fridays an to hatch on sundays:)

newlyweds - I am SO GLAD you are going for it again!!!!!!
Sending you lots of happy hatching vibes!

keep us posted!

Toni - CONGRATS on the babies!!!
That is awesome. I put my broody and her 4 babies in their own pen yesterday and they are so happy (and so precious

Scubadeaux - I am so sorry you are going through that!
I will keep happy thoughts for you and I hope everything stays ok with you and your family/flock!

dab627 - Welcome!!!!! and ENJOY! we have a lot of fun here, support each other AND get great info!!!

Nothing new with my flock. Right I have my trio of welsummer. 4 welsummer babies in their own pen, that I will keep (lost one last week, have no clue why
) I have my sons pair of bantam salmon faverolles for fair, my mama faverolle hen w/ 4 babes and I am getting a trio of blrw's!!!!!

Hi everyone, Not much news here.
My husband had told me we had three hatched chicks...............I asked if he looked, he said no.he guessed.
Anyway, I went to take care of the hen yesterday and she had one BCM chuck and it was dead. Not a mark or anything on it.
I think it was smashed into the other eggs..and nothing else has hatched. If she does not get a chick today,I am going to the feed store tomorrow and try sneaking two in with her..........she just does not want to quit setting.
My almost month olds are doing great......mostly feathered and think they are eagles.........

Not to much to say.worked hard in the barn yesterday and exsausted today.
Hope all is well and your chickies are happy.
Hey gang!

Just wanted to see how everyone is doing! Not much is going on here for me. Thinking of maybe doing another hatch here soon!!! Probably will wait till after our county fair which starts 7/19. My son shows pigs and chickens, so we are reallly busy right now.

But, I hope to put some more welsummer's in the bator maybe first of Aug.!!!

Hope everyone and their babies are doing great!
Hiya Peeps

Quick post mystery hatch is going odd

I have 4 eggs that were not due til next week...hatching now!!
The ones due a few days ago, maybe??, moving but not hatching.

I was not ready for this...

going to check them out..setting SHOWGIRLS tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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