Setting Eggs on April 24th!!!! Who wants to hatch along w/me???

The waiting is always the worst, especially after they pipped. I did have one chick pip, zip and hatch all in the matter of 30 minutes, it was the coolest thing ever I got to watch the whole thing, never-mind it was at 3am. Ha Ha. Hope those chicks get to zipping and hatching soon, would love to see pictures.
...and 4 babies yet. Soooo slow, I am hoping they hatch in the day, most of recent hatches started late at night. I am a wee bit impatient! OH and, I am going to go for it and do the Black Copper Marans as my "Last" hatch LOL we know how that goes!

Hope you and your babes are good
how is it going scubadeaux.................
I have 6 out and one that pipped yesterday not out yet.
In my learning curve,,,,,,I think the humidity has to be the key.
5 blue.1 black
I really want to hatch astrolorps...............have a rooster and 4 hens but did not get them seperated.
Might have to wait till spring. Our winters are rough.......We live on the edge of the Columbia Gorge and the winds are brutal in the winter.

Keep us updated sending good hatching vibes your direction.
OMG, Almost forgot to tell you..heard something on the front porch yesterday.opened the door and there
were the little BLW'S............they walked right in and am certain they would have made themselves comfortable. Thank goodness the dogs were asleep.....
Guess they missed me Lol
I am way to attatched to those characters. Do not know how I will ever get them intigrated with the flock.

Have a great weekend all....and write soon.............
Hi guys,

well mine just love to hatch right when I want to go to bed!!
At midnight they started, and got 5 so far, 7 more to go...
Hate leaving them in there, but I have to wait....just hoping they keep it to a low roar in there!! Hope the other ones do good, even "thought" I saw some movemet in my "iffy" section

Hope you all are having a good one
Hi guys,

well mine just love to hatch right when I want to go to bed!!
At midnight they started, and got 5 so far, 7 more to go...
Hate leaving them in there, but I have to wait....just hoping they keep it to a low roar in there!! Hope the other ones do good, even "thought" I saw some movement in my "iffy" section

Hope you all are having a good one

sorry for the duplicate post..did spell check and it went through twice..sorry!
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I have 9 beauties....................
One is a ee cross and snow white...looks so funny in with the blues..
I helped one egg.not sure that is always such a good is still having a rough time.
Tummy all big from, egg yolk I guess.and can't stand well. Have it in a clear plastiC dish with a paper towel in the bottom. It will drink water like crazy.....had pipped for about 30 hours with no further success and was chirping like crazy. I just couldn't leave it. Of the three I have helped, ( one in each hatch).The first one died after a few days........The second was like this one and pulled it together after aobut 4 days.has one toe incorrect.
Is still small.......
Besides being very weak.this one has one leg out to the side.....I am going to try the bandaid thing.
Hope I have not made it worse on him....he is cute as a bug

5 eggs did not hatch and I still cannot bring myself to open them..........maybe someday.
that was from my eggs.....
None of my ordered eggs hatched.disappointing but has given my hubby a good laugh.
$5.00 an egg O Well.............
Hope everyone is well...........
Nine babies to celebrate!

The one you helped probably would have died if you hadn't. I wish you had gotten at least a pair from the eggs you ordered. That's a bummer, not getting a single one. *comfort*

I don't think my guinea eggs are going to make it. We had a heat spike in the hatcher, and then there has been this terrible heat wave, so those four eggs are probably toast.
Not a good thought!

I have 11 eggs to be transferred to the hatcher tomorrow, so I'm thinking good thoughts!

Scubadeaux- I always have night time hatchers also. Can't wait to hear your final counts, and pictures please! I never tire of seeing little fuzzy butts.

Toni- Congrats on your 9 chicks, so sorry to hear about the shipped eggs, wonder why they didn't hatch? Were the yolks scrambled, detached air cells, infertile? Hope the one you help out of the shell is doing just fine. I've had to help a few out and they are all doing just fine now. Even my chick that had spraddle leg. Would love to see those cute little chicks.

Cattitude- Hope your guinea eggs make it, I have one guinea and just love her/him. Good luck on your 11 eggs.

As for me I go into lockdown friday on 19 OE and EE's. I candled some of my newly added eggs some of which are white and I forgot how much easier it is to see in non-colored eggs, since my last 2 batches have all been green or blue eggs.

Hope everyone posts pictures!!

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