Setting eggs the week of May 7th (Here's to wishing the best this time)!!!!!!!!!

Omigosh, you really are an addict!!!!

I really am not sure on the humidity question, jandrusrn. I'm sorry. I tend to use the dry hatch method, but I don't look at the air cell and adjust humidity. I just try to keep it around 35% for incubation, and then crank it up for lockdown.

I candled my eggs this afternoon. Three of my four sussex eggs were still clear, so I tossed those. One had a blood ring, and I didn't want to risk an explosion. The blue, brown, and remaining coronation sussex were all wiggling around, which thrilled the teacher (who came along to watch me candle them). The olive egg is so dark that I can't see inside at all.
I just set 43 MORE eggs today. PLUS, I had my 1st hen go broody today too, so 4 of those eggs are under her!!!! I let her keep her own from today & gave her 3 Banty eggs that came in my BYM shipment yesterday. What is so funny is that ALL 4 of the roos in that pen have been sitting in the coop with her most of the day "guarding" her...LOL She is a tiny little Banty mix (she looks like a BCM, but lays white eggs). And my main roo also looks like a FBCM but is a Banty. I think maybe I got OEG Banty/FBCM mixes. Very pretty birds. May make them my project.

Here is what I put in today:
12 Lavender Orps
4 Mixed Orps
2 Black East Indie Ducks
2 Coronation Sussex
16 BYM (3 went under my Broody)
1 OEG Banty mix (mine-under the Broody)
3 Rosies (BYCer project bird)
3 BYM (came with the Rosies)
43 Total

Here is what was already in:
12 Lemon Cuckoo Orps
8 Silkies
7 Call Ducks
7 OEG Banty mix (mine)
1 Partridge Cochin
1 Partridge Rock
1 Blue Cochin or Cochin Mix
2 Runner Ducks
2 Saxony Ducks
3 Ameracuna Mix
44 Total

87 Eggs Total
13 Ducks
74 Chickens

Plus I have 52 Chickens & 6 Ducks already, going Sunday to pick up 6 more ducks
And I'm about to have a panic attack thinking about 40 hatching....LOL !!! Makes me weak to think about 87....WOW
I am having difficulty seeing inside 3 of my FBCM eggs. They are dark and I cannot even make out an air cell. One is porous and looks clear to me. What day should I decide to toss? I don't want one exploding in the bator!
I am having difficulty seeing inside 3 of my FBCM eggs. They are dark and I cannot even make out an air cell. One is porous and looks clear to me. What day should I decide to toss? I don't want one exploding in the bator!
Thank you for asking this question. I've got a bunch of beautiful deep brown eggs in my other incubator... BBSMarans/BCMarans and am able to see something move I think but air cells are crazy!!! Will wait for someone to answer.... also running over to the marans thread to see if there are any answers! Will report back if I get anything!
In my opinion I would say 'Do not toss the eggs!' It is not actually THAT common for eggs to burst and unless you can smell a foul odour coming from the egg, you are pretty safe. Wouldn't you hate to risk killing an embryo just because you couldn't see?

You can also do the 'float test'. I'm not sure how far along you need to be to do the float test.... but I would say if you are set on getting rid of any eggs that you can't see into, if they don't smell, wait till you can float test them

Today I came home from a local poultry show to find that my incubator globe had blown! AHHH BUGGER! I know it was on at 7:00am this morning and I only just checked it before at 6pm to find it was dead. Fingers crossed for my babies!!!!!
On day 7 I had 2 with blood rings, I cracked them open and they both looked clear with blood rings. A third I was positive was clear and when I cracked it open there was a perfectly growing embryo!!!!!!!! :(. So that's why I asked. I dont want them to blow up but I am not going to remove any more unless they reak or leak. I can only see 2 embryos with veining and good air cells in my remaining 7. I hope the others that are dark are growing babies for me! These babies were so expensive! Next time I will do chicks and from now on I'll probably stick to incubating my own eggs or locals from friends.
On day 7 I had 2 with blood rings, I cracked them open and they both looked clear with blood rings. A third I was positive was clear and when I cracked it open there was a perfectly growing embryo!!!!!!!!
. So that's why I asked. I dont want them to blow up but I am not going to remove any more unless they reak or leak. I can only see 2 embryos with veining and good air cells in my remaining 7. I hope the others that are dark are growing babies for me! These babies were so expensive! Next time I will do chicks and from now on I'll probably stick to incubating my own eggs or locals from friends.
I'm like you....I'm not removing anything unless I am 120% sure. And then I won't be too sure LOL !!! I don't trust myself.

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