Setting eggs the week of May 7th (Here's to wishing the best this time)!!!!!!!!!

I have one pipping already! :hmm This is just day 18 so I hadn't added extra water, but I think it'll be ok..I didn't even realize it had started when I opened the 'bator to candle them...Added water quickly and closed it down. Guess these guys are anxious to be hatched O.O

I have one pipping already! :hmm This is just day 18 so I hadn't added extra water, but I think it'll be ok..I didn't even realize it had started when I opened the 'bator to candle them...Added water quickly and closed it down. Guess these guys are anxious to be hatched O.O
I am dying here! GAH Must order some food or something to keep my mind off that little baby in there. Go baby go!!
This is the hardest part. Sometimes it is 12 hrs between pip and zip
I like it when they pip at night and I wake up to chicks hatching. So much better than spending hours staring at the eggs!

LOL!! And I can see myself doing that..if I did not have work tomorrow I'd probably just stay up tonight :D Hopefully this one will be up and ready to say hi when I get up tomorrow :)
This is the hardest part. Sometimes it is 12 hrs between pip and zip
I like it when they pip at night and I wake up to chicks hatching. So much better than spending hours staring at the eggs!
Ohh I DON'T like it when they pip at night. I have the incubator in my room (only place in the house where the temp stays steady, and I can close the cats/dogs out) and if they pip at night I'm either too excited to sleep, or they're too loud and I can't sleep anyways. I always end up with loud peepers. :)
I'm so excited for everyone! Can't wait for pictures!
Hey all...haven't been on in a few days. Been baling hay. Wow !!!! Great updates. So excited for all the pips, zips and hatchlings. Love the pictures and can't wait for MORE MORE MORE. This is so exciting !!!!
Awww, cute chicks! Congratulations!

Sticky chicks usually means the humidity was too high during incubation. Chicks that shrink wrap is from a drop in humidity when you open the incubator. That is why it is suggested that you don't open the incubator until all your chicks have hatched. I know it is hard not too. When I have chicks pecking hatching chicks I tap on the lid of the incubator to scare them off. Usually takes a few times before they get the hint!
Good idea , as a first timer I was just worried they would damage each other.....Yep I am sure my opening the incubator caused the problem, I will know better next time. I kept my humidity right around 30% until the last 3 days .......

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