Setting eggs the week of May 7th (Here's to wishing the best this time)!!!!!!!!!

This is so exciting!
OK.... anyone out there got some peaceful help??? we're dying. I mean...really....we're on day 22 and no pip. BYM, dry method, humidity great!!! 80% consistently since day 18.... no open incubator, loads of love and a broken back from staring.

How many days left until we give up??? WE'RE FREAKING OUT HERE!!!

SIGNED, "pipless in Long Beach" (jane)
And so... once again I am in turmoil. I had an egg break inside and had to take the bator apart and clean up.... The temp dropped into the 80's for ten or less mins.... hope this hasn't killed the bunch!
Did you candle before lockdown? I would be dying too.... the last few days are the hardest! I would wait at least another day or two just to be safe.
Thanks for the advice. And as for your broken egg.......
so sorry.....

I keep thinking that the little guys may just be waiting to make a dramatic Memorial Day entrance on Monday.
The temperature drop shouldn't be a problem. During incubation it is good for the eggs to have a 15 minute cooling period each day as if the mother hen is off the nest getting a drink. In fact it is so beneficial that the new Octagon 20 incubators have a built in cycle that cools the eggs for 15 minutes every day. Also the eggs hold their internal temps for quite awhile. Even if they had several hours of cooler temps it would just delay hatch by several hours or a day

And so... once again I am in turmoil. I had an egg break inside and had to take the bator apart and clean up.... The temp dropped into the 80's for ten or less mins.... hope this hasn't killed the bunch!
I'm sorry your eggs aren't hatching
For the dry hatch method did you start at 40% humidity and let it fall to 25% then bring it back up to 40% and keep repeating? Any drops in temps that might delay hatch? I hope they are just taking their sweet time. Good luck

Thanks for the advice. And as for your broken egg.......
so sorry.....

I keep thinking that the little guys may just be waiting to make a dramatic Memorial Day entrance on Monday.
I HAS A BABY! Little light colored chick that must have hatched really recently...still stumbly and wet. I will get pics asap. SO CUTE! This is the teensiest thing EVER!! YAY! One more egg to go

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