Setting eggs the week of May 7th (Here's to wishing the best this time)!!!!!!!!!

Breed? Pictures . .

I HAS A BABY! Little light colored chick that must have hatched really recently...still stumbly and wet. I will get pics asap. SO CUTE! This is the teensiest thing EVER!! YAY! One more egg to go
Little Modern Game Bantam, I am guessing it will be silver duckwing since the breeder has birchen and silvers. I will get a pic in a moment :D And here it is! My new baby :D
Baby is adorable...scared the little thing nearly to death when I took that startled and screeched O.O Poor thing. It does not like paparazzi. I think it's name is going to be Diva...the little drama queen (So it absolutely CANNOT be a little boy..that'd be a dumb name for a boy :p)
More pics of my new little guys, you can see the 3 Polish here!Even one of the little guys I had to give a warm water bath to get all the membrane and gunk off made it. He was having a hard time as one foot was curled under but it has corrected itself and he is up and eating this morning!

On Thursday I put Swedish flower and Dorking eggs in and I have Lemon Cookoo Orphingtons and Salmon Favorelles ( probably not all spelled correctly ) that went in on Saturday, they sent so many extras I could not fit them all in the incubator and had to wait till these guys hatched so I could place all the extras in the one they were in!
Thanks everyone on the congrats on my first baby! The color has lightened a bit, so it's lost that very silvery shade...but the Diva is still cute as a bug!

And awwwwww baby Polish!! soooooooo cute!! Gah...gonna end up dying of the cute by the time everyones babies hatch :D

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