Setting eggs the week of May 7th (Here's to wishing the best this time)!!!!!!!!!

I love that bottom pick, with them all looking back over their shoulder.... Very mob-esk..... Chickens are just tooo much fun!
More pics of my new little guys, you can see the 3 Polish here!Even one of the little guys I had to give a warm water bath to get all the membrane and gunk off made it. He was having a hard time as one foot was curled under but it has corrected itself and he is up and eating this morning!

On Thursday I put Swedish flower and Dorking eggs in and I have Lemon Cookoo Orphingtons and Salmon Favorelles ( probably not all spelled correctly ) that went in on Saturday, they sent so many extras I could not fit them all in the incubator and had to wait till these guys hatched so I could place all the extras in the one they were in!
What a great looking bunch of chicks!
So glad the babies that were stuck are doing well. I have had several that I had to un-glue and they have done just fine.

Looks like you have some fun colored Polish chicks. I have 4 Polish eggs from my girls due to hatch June 6th. I LOVE my Polish!! They are so comical

My Blue Laced Red Wyandotte eggs should start hatching tomorrow

More pics of my new little guys, you can see the 3 Polish here!Even one of the little guys I had to give a warm water bath to get all the membrane and gunk off made it. He was having a hard time as one foot was curled under but it has corrected itself and he is up and eating this morning!

On Thursday I put Swedish flower and Dorking eggs in and I have Lemon Cookoo Orphingtons and Salmon Favorelles ( probably not all spelled correctly ) that went in on Saturday, they sent so many extras I could not fit them all in the incubator and had to wait till these guys hatched so I could place all the extras in the one they were in!

We're into this thing now for 23 days and nothing. NOT A PIP. NOT A PEEP..... NOT A NOTHING. I only have three eggs in lockdown but I have to say, since they were local eggs and I've seen these eggs hatch au naturale and I know they "work" (as it were)

Just super sad this morning. Humidity has gone waaaaaaaaay down overnight, and I'm still fighting the good fight by adding lukewarm water to the troughs as I was taught. We will candle quickly and see what the deal is tonight....

What a great looking bunch of chicks!
So glad the babies that were stuck are doing well. I have had several that I had to un-glue and they have done just fine.

Looks like you have some fun colored Polish chicks. I have 4 Polish eggs from my girls due to hatch June 6th. I LOVE my Polish!! They are so comical

My Blue Laced Red Wyandotte eggs should start hatching tomorrow
I know these Polish were some crazy color combination that I just could not resist , the eggs were in the mail almost 6 days and with my incubator malfunction I am happy to have any of them hatch.
Good luck with your hatch!

We're into this thing now for 23 days and nothing. NOT A PIP. NOT A PEEP..... NOT A NOTHING. I only have three eggs in lockdown but I have to say, since they were local eggs and I've seen these eggs hatch au naturale and I know they "work" (as it were)

Just super sad this morning. Humidity has gone waaaaaaaaay down overnight, and I'm still fighting the good fight by adding lukewarm water to the troughs as I was taught. We will candle quickly and see what the deal is tonight....

I am so sorry your chicks are not hatching, I feel lucky to have hatched as many as I did my first time around.....
I know these Polish were some crazy color combination that I just could not resist , the eggs were in the mail almost 6 days and with my incubator malfunction I am happy to have any of them hatch.
Good luck with your hatch!
I would love to have a polish! Ummmmm, after I get this hatching thing down of course. (shrugging shoulders)..... but they're just sweeeeet!
Well I had about 8 eggs that I was pretty sure made it to lock down, and I was pretty sure I had another failed attempt since I haven't heard any peeps or anything, until last night before bed I saw what appeared to be a crack in the egg! When I woke up this morning and checked, sure enough, I saw a hole opened up, and it has developed into this:

I know that is really hard to see, but for some reason I can't make it bigger. The point is though, that there is a hole now, and I can see the little chicks beak, as well as a small part of the body (I can tell because I see it pulsing from breathing).

Is this normal for a hatching chick? This would be my first chick ever to hatch on my watch, and I guess I thought there was a "zipping" that ran down the egg. Is my chick going to be able to continue breaking the egg shell to get out with this kind of start, or could he need help?

So far nothing from my other eggs, but I put my eggs in Sunday 3 weeks ago as I went to bed, so maybe I'm just being impatient. Maybe this chick (if it hatches) will inspire the other chicks to come out.
BYM hatch is over..... 0% again. HOWEVER... we learned a lot from this one and will be sure to follow the pearls of wisdom......

I have 13 beauties that are going into lockdown on Tuesday. I'm still going strong......

Good God, please let something work.
Well I had about 8 eggs that I was pretty sure made it to lock down, and I was pretty sure I had another failed attempt since I haven't heard any peeps or anything, until last night before bed I saw what appeared to be a crack in the egg! When I woke up this morning and checked, sure enough, I saw a hole opened up, and it has developed into this:

I know that is really hard to see, but for some reason I can't make it bigger. The point is though, that there is a hole now, and I can see the little chicks beak, as well as a small part of the body (I can tell because I see it pulsing from breathing).

Is this normal for a hatching chick? This would be my first chick ever to hatch on my watch, and I guess I thought there was a "zipping" that ran down the egg. Is my chick going to be able to continue breaking the egg shell to get out with this kind of start, or could he need help?

So far nothing from my other eggs, but I put my eggs in Sunday 3 weeks ago as I went to bed, so maybe I'm just being impatient. Maybe this chick (if it hatches) will inspire the other chicks to come out.
That looks totally normal for a hatching baby. They first make a pip, then a hole, then zip it around. Hatching is hard work and takes time. Being a baby chikkin is a test of stamina and will from the beginning it seems LOL!


We're into this thing now for 23 days and nothing. NOT A PIP. NOT A PEEP..... NOT A NOTHING. I only have three eggs in lockdown but I have to say, since they were local eggs and I've seen these eggs hatch au naturale and I know they "work" (as it were)

Just super sad this morning. Humidity has gone waaaaaaaaay down overnight, and I'm still fighting the good fight by adding lukewarm water to the troughs as I was taught. We will candle quickly and see what the deal is tonight....

Keep your chin up! Maybe they are just procrastinators! Sending positive energy to you (for your frazzled nerves) and to those little ones (for healthy, ready to pop babies when you peek at them)

AND!!! My second egg pipped overnight, and now has a hole similar to the one in stevearino's egg! I am cheering this one on, and I am happy I am home to see it as it happens. :D Will post news and pics as soon as I can.

And jandrusrn, I am so sorry none of your little ones hatched :<
Hopefully the next hatch will be an amazingly good one for you. :)
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