Setting eggs the week of May 7th (Here's to wishing the best this time)!!!!!!!!!

Congrats on your pips, Nikkipar!

Stevearino, I think you definitely did the right thing. I bet it will be exhausted and lay around for a day or so. Hopefully he/she will make a full recovery.

I am so thrilled. I was pretty sure my coronation sussex had died (couldn't see it moving at all last night), but this morning, even though no progress has been made, I can see it moving around in there. So, still alive!!

I tried to get a picture of the two hatched chicks, but it was really blurry. When I go back to the school in a bit, I'll try for another shot.
after all 0% hatch rates..... we were locking down tonight and as the final candle started...... a peeeeeep! Yep, one of the Marans eggs had internally pipped, then yet another one had internally (we think) pipped. Into the humidity they went. All 11 went in, all were moving.... some kicking and screaming. I'm soooooo excited. This is the one, folks.

This is what went into the bator:

1 LBCochin
2 BBS English Orps
1 Ameraucana (excuse the spelling)
7 Marans/BMC and BBS

I've put on another pot of coffee and told all the eggs that I've got loads of patients to care for tomorrow..... and they'd better get to it before 0900, and then have some rest until 1900.

OMG, it's happening. It's happening and I'm just about the most excited person in the world.
So happy for you!
I always wonder if my eyes are tricking me into believing eggs are wiggling, but last night my one chicken egg must've been startled when the incubator clicked on because it ROCKED!! It's either on day 20 or 19 right now (A hen sneaked it under my mama hen either one or two days after I set the duckling eggs, I had found it on the second day after, but there was another egg, also, that I took away, so it could've been either day) so it should be hatching soon! I'm so excited!

Why isn't anyone posting pictures?!?! :)
I took one single picture while I was at the school, and it was so blurry that I deleted it. I didn't realize it was that bad until I got home though. In my signature, there is a webcam to the final egg.

I promise I'll get a picture today.
Stevearino, I would peel him out completely now. That's just too long to wait. I admire your patience.
Jandrusrn, Congrats on your eggs starting to pip!!! Did your lecture work?
My lecture sure didn't. I set up a webcam to watch them. One hatched at 5:30 pm and the other hatched between 11-6. They completely missed the point of a school hatch!!!!

I'm that excited I don't think I'll sleep for days. (Don't tell anyone...... I candled just one egg. I know it's bad rah rah rah.. but I just HAD to see if I'd killed everything with the high level of condensation in my bator.... It took all of one second to realise I have INTERNAL PIPS!) Ok so I think I might have a melt down right now.

LOVE hearing your stories. C'mon guys MORE PHOTOS PLEASE! I need something to distract me!

Stevearino - HOW DID YOU GO! it has been 7 hourssssss already!!!!! I don't care that it isn't even 7am your time.. where is an update!

And you spelled Ameraucana right to boot!
Wishing you a GREAT hatch!
Well, the lecture didn't work, but the wee ones are still rocking and rolling. This am there was a beak, egg tooth and a lotta peeping in there.... so amazing. The pictures are worthless... Note to self: clean the heck outta the INSIDE of the incubator window next time....

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