Setting eggs today (1/9) hatch buddy?!

I want to join ! Set Marans eggs ( blue and splash ) 1-3 along with about a dozen of my own hens eggs ( mainly LF Cochins ) then received some more Marans eggs ( blue) that I didn't think I was going to get . Set them 1-7 . I have only hatched chicks one other time and that was during last summer's dreadful heat . I use a 1502 Sportsman Incubator and it holds lots of eggs . So hatch dates are 1-24 and 1-28 .

OK , Talk about stress ! Something just dawned on me , the first hatch is due the 24th and the 21st is lockdown so will be turning off the auto turner and raising the humidity . So what will happen to the second hatch ? their lockdown is the 25th . I am really confused
I see folks doing staggered hatches but am new to this and wonder if I am risking the second bunch of chicks .
Any help will be appreciated !
OK , Talk about stress ! Something just dawned on me , the first hatch is due the 24th and the 21st is lockdown so will be turning off the auto turner and raising the humidity . So what will happen to the second hatch ? their lockdown is the 25th . I am really confused
I see folks doing staggered hatches but am new to this and wonder if I am risking the second bunch of chicks .
Any help will be appreciated !

I think they do the stagared hatches with a separate incubator. I have heard others incubate in a cabinet incubator and then move them to a hovabator still air for the lockdown and hatch, while maintaining the other eggs in a different incubator... I could be wrong, but I think thats how its done...
I think they do the stagared hatches with a separate incubator. I have heard others incubate in a cabinet incubator and then move them to a hovabator still air for the lockdown and hatch, while maintaining the other eggs in a different incubator... I could be wrong, but I think thats how its done...

It's done both ways, but all my research on staggered hatch has been really conflicting. I would do a search on it and go with what you feel the best about. Certainly moving them to a separate bator is likely the safest.
I think they do the stagared hatches with a separate incubator. I have heard others incubate in a cabinet incubator and then move them to a hovabator still air for the lockdown and hatch, while maintaining the other eggs in a different incubator... I could be wrong, but I think thats how its done...

Thank you . My husband has another Sportsman just like the one I am using but it is in a cold barn . Is it safe to move the eggs after they have been incubating for a week ?
How'd I miss this thread? I set eggs on the 9th as well. 6 barred rocks, 6 black jersey giants, 3 dark brahmas, 2 random jerseys, and one solitary dark brown leghorn. I did a super quick candling and I don't think the leghorn(the chick I most wanted) is developing. :(
Day 9 candled mine removed 14 clear of the 43 I set the remaining look good at this point. Will candle again at day 14and 18 then lockdown

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