Setting eggs today 5-3-12...anyone with me?

I would leave it in its shell and wrap it in warm wet papper towels. Just make sure it can breath. If the yolksac dries up I don't think it can absorb it. Do not try to take it out of shell if the yolksac gets pulled on it can pull its guts out with the sac. Try to keep it still and give it time to finish the yolksac.
I am up in the night waiting for my Nyquil to kick in and thought I would check in. Last night I moved 7 chicks into the brooder. They were getting pretty wild in the incubator and the first one to hatch was really being rough on the newer hatchlings so I decided a change of surrounding was needed. I took them out as quickly as possible and left 4 eggs in not expecting much, but just in case. When I checked before bed one had pipped. When I checked just now another had pipped. I hope when I get up in the am, I will have two more chicks and I don't have to help. I will try to get some photos tomorrow. If all goes well, I will be putting them under a broody barred rock to raise for me. I hope she does a good job. We are camping this weekend and it will be nice not to have to worry about babies in a brooder. I am going to get the neighbor kids to "brooder set" the month-old chicks. Everyone else should be outside by then. Thank God. We have had brooders in the house since the end of January and I am DONE with it for awhile.
Well mine is set at 70 and hoping its not to high, had a dry 18 days...they were moving in their eggs yesterday and now nothing......hoping for something today at its day 21. Crossing my fingers!!!!!
Well the baby chick is still alive and peeps from time to time, however it has such a big yolk sac and other stuff attached to it that i dont want to touch it even fearing he might not make it if i intervene....hes been out of the top part of the shell but stuck for 24 hrs now....what to do? i mean he has not absorbed the yolk fully so i cant do anything yet rite?? or am i getting it wrong???....
I have heard of people putting them in a cut down paper cup so they don't move around so much until they can come out of the shell. Don't know if that would work for you or not. I would also put warm wet paper towels or wash cloth around and over it as much as possible leaving the head out of course. I hope it makes it. Let us know what happens.
I set my eggs at 6pm so I wasn't going to lock down until then........however, I have to be gone most of the day. I don't want to leave them in the turner with the eggs that hatch in a week in case one comes early so I am putting them in lock down this morning. I am moving them to my home made bator that I had them in to start with. It started fluctuating the themp so much I took them out and put them in with the other eggs in my Genesis. I changed the light bulb and put a bigger one in and have it stabilized for now. Hope it stays that way.

I started with 18 shipped eggs. Now have 17 and will probably have less once I move them. I am waiting for the humidity and temp to get back up after putting in the water pan and the rubber shelf liner. I hope it will still hold with the liner in there. It has small holes but I worry they are not big enough.
I was just checking on my incubator and happened to catch an egg moving. I thought I saw one moving last night, but when I showed it to my DH he said he thought I was seeing things. But this one today, number 4, it is moving...just a slight rocking back and forth. Must be getting itself into position.
I was just checking on my incubator and happened to catch an egg moving. I thought I saw one moving last night, but when I showed it to my DH he said he thought I was seeing things. But this one today, number 4, it is moving...just a slight rocking back and forth. Must be getting itself into position.
I was just checking the temp and I saw one very slightly move. It is so hard not to think I didn't really see it. I still have 18 eggs in I thought I had 17 but there are 18 when I put the over for lock down. This incubator is kind of glitchy so I am trying hard to keep it on track. The temp went down when I put them in and has stayed down most of the day I think because I was gone. around 98 I think. I am trying to get it up to 99 without going way up. I don't understand why it goes different all the time. The eggs were warm so it shouldn't have changed it much. It just seems to get it in its head to lower it a couple of degrees every once in a while. grrrrrrr
Hope your hatch is great!
I keep going and checking for more movement or pip holes, but nothing new.

@mbleily...I love the little NN in your avatar, btw. :)
I keep going and checking for more movement or pip holes, but nothing new.

@mbleily...I love the little NN in your avatar, btw. :)
I am more agitated about the temp going up and down than anything right now. I have a water heater thing in there and it will start to make the light quiver sometimes. It doing it right now. When it does that the temp stays right where it is. But when it stops doing it it will go either up or down. Drives lm crazy. As long as it doesn't go over 101 I guess it is ok but it makes me nervious. I will be so glad when the next few days are over. The next eggs will stay in the Genesis for lock down. Much easier on the nerves. I am too old for this kind of birthing. LOL

I love my NNs. I got some this year too keep a small hatch of mine company and had bad luck with two of them. I think they were only a couple of days older than my chicks but they grew so fast. They were like twice as big all of a suddon. Then I noticed that the roo and one of the hens was having problems walking. Now the other chickens are caught up with them in size and the NN roo can hardly walk. He just bearly gets around enough to eat and drink and lays a lot. The hen still hobbles around more but still has a walking problem. The other two hens are smaller and don't have a problem. I have see this happen with turkeys and broilers but not reg chickens. I am sad because I wanted to keep the roo for breeding. Darn. I know when I bought them the lady that got them out put one back because she said it had leg problems. I wonder if they had leg problems on others. It didn't show on these until they were several weeks old so I don't know......Sorry to unwind on you. I haven't been back to the hatchery but I am going to ask. Not that I think they will say anything about it anyway but they need to know. sigh

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