Setting Eggs Tomorrow 06-29-11/07-08-11 set 17 Any buddies???

Oh so did you cancel the Hova? And what's going on? I haven't heard any good things about them.

Urg cat knocked over the lg and broke 3 of the new eggs.... There WERE embryos in them.... So thats good..... -_-
But besides that.... Nada...

Ah right i saw that. At these there are signs of life huh? How many do you have in there again?
Urg cat knocked over the lg and broke 3 of the new eggs.... There WERE embryos in them.... So thats good..... -_-
But besides that.... Nada...

Ah right i saw that. At these there are signs of life huh? How many do you have in there again?

Right now 6 in the bator 2 in lockdown, tomorrow 1 more goes in lockdown.
Holy freaking crap! So I set 12 RIR on the 27th, so it's day 7 for them, and then set 4 mixed breeds on the 30th, so it's like day 5 for them. I just candled to see what was what as we had a temp spike a few days ago after getting a new air conditioner put in the house(and not reading directions to see that after 10 pm it reverts back to factory preset temps, which was 82 degrees). Half of the RIR are not developing, there may be a blood ring in one of them, but the shocker was the 4 mixed breed eggs. 2 were on track, 1 definately not developing, and the last one? I freaked at first thinking it was rotten all through because all I saw was dark, and then it moved! They must have grabbed an egg that a hen had been cooking. They told me they candled the eggs (must not know what they are doing) and I know the egg was sitting out for half a day before I got them and brought them home to put in the incubator. I'm guessing the little guy is around day 17?

Now, here's my delima...I've been keeping the humidity at about 35%, but there isn't a very big air cell in this particular egg. Do I just leave the humidity where it is, or do I up the humidity for this little guy for a few days? Will raising the humidity hurt the other eggs that I have in there?
LMBO nooo just was going thru a urg they aren't hatching thing lolololol!!! Don't worry I am still here!!! Awaiting my eggs from stellar game birds.
I would leave it. It's worse to have a drowning chick you can't help, than to have a chick that way POSSIBLY get stuck that you CAN save.Then you couls even raise the humidity once you see a pip, just until it's done hatching
Well, I woke up this morning to see a chick staring at me in the incubator! The little guy hatched out just fine, and by the looks of him, he must have waited till we went to bed and then busted out pretty quick. He's nearly dry.

He's a mixed breed, but of what I'm not certain. The people we got the eggs from have buffs, barred rocks, and some mystery rooster with furry feet. The rooster is huge, standing easily twice (if not more) as high as the hens, has a golden color to him and dark green tail feathers. What kinds of chickens have furry feet? I've seen bantams, but not standard chickens...

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