Setting eggs tomorrow night, 3/29/12, anyone want to hatch with us?

babies safely in the world

How many Babies???? Is it a chain reaction over there???
I am loving all the pictures and videos!!! I love seeing all the different chicks from the different breeds.

Here's my update:

Bantams - I started with 28 bantam eggs... all had set outside, not being turned, in a wide range of temps due to warm days and cool nights, some for over 2 weeks. I seriously didn't expect to get but a few of them to hatch. Well so far we have 15 hatched and still more pips!!!

Reds - My red eggs were the opposite extreme. I started with 14. All were layed either the day I set them or the day before. This morning I was worrying about them because not much was happening... all I had was one pip. I came home tonight to find the one that was pipped has hatched and 5 more are now pipped! And since I set about 6 pm, it's only been about 20 days, 2 hours so far!

Lockdown - I've notice several of you have posted pictures of chicks outside of the incubator. Do you do a quick removal mid-hatch? It's been a year since my last hatch and I didn't know about lockdown then. The instructions that came with my incubator recommend removing once per day. That's what I did last year, but did have just a couple with dry membranes towards the end. I was planning on leaving them all in until the end this time, but then your pictures have me wondering again. And the little bantams that are over 24 hours old are trying to eat everything!!!
My little silkies are already scratching and eating and drinking! Amazing how they can fend for themselves so early (with heat of course).
@ Cats cradle: I remove mine as soon as hatched, I don't like them clonking around all the other eggs. I realize this doesn't work for everyone, I'm in a high humidity area so it's really not too far off from the incubator humidity. So far I haven't had a problem with hatch rates doing this, but like I said it might not work for everyone.
Isn't it fun? Are you getting anything done besides watching chicks hatch?
I scheduled myself OUT of the house today because if I'm home all I do is watch them hatch!!!


Oh my heavens! That's soooo super exciting. many many congratulations!

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