Setting eggs week of 7/13... Anyone with me??

Looks like this is "tick" off at u!!
I posted pics of the ( we hatched on my profile if anyone wants to see !! how are the new hatches going ?
But they r Adorable!!!
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Well my little runt is doing much better! He's up walking around most of the time, eating, drinking & pooping - all while standing up. He still hobbles when he walks, looks like a pirate walking with a peg leg, but he is learning how to walk! Woohoo. The 3 larger chicks are outside in the brooder and my 2 smaller runts are still here in the house. Bear, Two Face, & BB are doing well in the brooder. they've learned how to drink from the nipple system and are liking the extra room out there. Will take pics tomorrow, if I get a chance. It's supposed to be a lot cooler tomorrow. High in the mid 80's!
Well my little runt is doing much better! He's up walking around most of the time, eating, drinking & pooping - all while standing up. He still hobbles when he walks, looks like a pirate walking with a peg leg, but he is learning how to walk! Woohoo. The 3 larger chicks are outside in the brooder and my 2 smaller runts are still here in the house. Bear, Two Face, & BB are doing well in the brooder. they've learned how to drink from the nipple system and are liking the extra room out there. Will take pics tomorrow, if I get a chance. It's supposed to be a lot cooler tomorrow. High in the mid 80's!
WOOHOO!!!...Thats GREAT!!!
So glad to hear he pulled thru!! & the others r doin wonderful!!

Its still in the 100's all my babees r still in my office in the brooder....I'll take them out next week for a few hours each get them use to it.

Then goin to put them in a cage next to the pen of my older they can get use to each other....but thats still bout 2 months away!

Cant wait to see the new PIX!!!
SO busy here. Heading to the beach for the weekend. Kids are on the way back from the beach right now and will be watching the animals this weekend. Makes me nervous.......... I promise when I get back I will take individual pics of the chicks and post them. They are growing so fast!

Kim- So glad your little runt is doing better. I have one that is so cute. Hatched with the Lemon Cuckoo that did not make it, that is so much smaller than anyone else. He is even smaller than my bantams born only a few days before him. He thinks he is the boss even though he is so tiny.
My lonely Brahma egg was moving on Saturday. So figured I would give til Sunday (day 25). But there was nothing I could do. She didn't make to Sunday so we decided to see what went wrong.

The yolk was bigger than the chick. Her beak was still tucked down towards its tummy. She was so tiny compared to all my other Brahma chicks I've hatched. Wonder that would have cause that!

This batch was just terrible from the start. First bad packing/broken eggs, some eggs were infertile and the one larger lonely egg didn't develop properly. But then I was too hopeful and wanted to give a first time eBay seller a chance.

I still want more Brahmas, just think maybe it would be better to wait for spring.
Thanks JD, I love the brahmas too. Update on my little club footed chick- I took the bandages off on Wed and the little legs were straight with just a small curve of the left foot. Yesssssss!
Here are a few pics of my 3 out in the brooder. I'm gonna give my 2 little ones another day before I get them out and take pics. (I saw Runt running across the tank today! Bearing weight on both legs!)

Here is Bear. I'm thinking he's a he.

This is Two Face (1/2 yellow beak 1/2 black)

This is BB- blonde beau or blonde babe (thinking s/he is crested)


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